"I can tell that Carrie is a little embarrassed to admit to us that she's talking to boys," JJ said and placed her hands on her hips. "And that's my baby that you're poking fun at."

"Your baby?" Emily asked and looped her arms through JJ's and pulled her closer. JJ smiled softly.

"Yeah. And my bigger baby is right here," JJ said and cupped one of Emily's cheeks. The raven-haired woman smiled widely as she brought in JJ. The blonde woman placed her finger on Emily's lips. "Go grab the stuff. We're going to be late."

"You're such a tease. Do you know that?" Emily asked as JJ pulled away. The blonde woman nodded her head as she and Emily brought everything inside the cafeteria.

The day passed and luckily, Carrie's embarrassment levels were kept to a minimum. During her fifth period of art is when Carrie's class was allowed to attend the career day.

"How stupid is this whole thing?" Fiona said and chuckled. "I mean we're juniors in high school. How do they expect us to pick what we want to do for the rest of our lives?"

"I don't know. Maybe to get ideas? I have no clue what I want to do," Carrie said and adjusted her backpack on her shoulders. "My guardians are here to talk about their jobs. So I guess maybe it's a good thing."

"Your guardians? What are you? Samsung?" Fiona asked sarcastically as the two of them walked down the hallway. Carrie's entire being was panicking. She didn't want to have to explain it to Fiona her entire situation. She was only in school for about a month. The last thing she wanted was for the truth to come out now.

"Yeah. Something like that," Carrie said and chuckled. The two of them made their way into the cafeteria. Carrie could see the two women talking to a group of Carrie's classmates.

Fiona and Carrie both stopped in front of a woman sitting down at her booth and scribbling down on a paper in front of her.

"Well hello," the woman said. "My name is Ella. I'm here to teach you all about courtroom sketching."

"What's that?" Carrie asked and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well funny you should ask that. I just got done drawing one. Take a look," Ella said and turned her sketch pad. Carrie and Fiona's eyesbrows raised as they saw a mirror image of the cafeteria. "As a courtroom sketch artist, you have to be fast with your drawings to really captivate the scene in front of you. I've been doing it for ten years at the Moultrie Courthouse."

"Do you like it?" Fiona asked and tilted her head. "I'd like a little more artistic freedom with my drawing."

"There are several jobs involving art. It just isn't courtroom sketching. You could be an art director, a graphic designer, an artist. Really whatever you want. It just depends on what you're looking for," Ella said and smiled softly. From across the room, Emily's eyes landed on Carrie. She saw that familiar sparkle in her eyes. Whoever that lady was, Carrie surely was intrigued with what she was saying.

"Down, momma bear," JJ said and placed her hand on her shoulder. "She'll never make her way over here if you keep throwing her daggers with your eyes."

"I'm just nervous. I don't know," Emily said and shrugged her shoulders. "Carrie is young, and very impressionable. I just want her to pick a good career. I don't even know if she has any idea where to start."

"Well, we'll have her figure it out. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was in high school. I didn't even know when I was in college with my bachelor's degree. It took me seeing a seminar by the one and only David Rossi to get me to sign my soul away to the FBI," JJ said and chuckled. Emily furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

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