"So, what do we have planned?" Carrie asked and looked back and forth between the two women. Emily chuckled.

"Carrie, it's Wednesday. You have to go to school still," Emily said and placed her hand on Carrie's shoulder. The teenager pouted slightly as she gave Emily her sad eyes. "Don't give me that look. You just started school. You can't miss."

"We can all go out to dinner together," JJ said and smiled softly over at Emily. "But, I'll tell you what. I am craving a breakfast sandwich from Donut Run. If someone hurries and gets ready we can—"

"I'm going!" Carrie shouted as she ran up the stairs. JJ smiled proudly at Emily who had her hands on her hips.

"Sometimes I feel she likes you more," Emily said and rolled her eyes. JJ chuckled as she wrapped her arms around the raven-haired woman's neck.

"Give her a year and she'll think I'm the hardass mom," JJ said and smiled softly. She leaned forward and kissed Emily's lips sweetly. The two women smiled against the kiss. "Plus, I have to get you all to myself today."

"Is that right?" Emily asked and raised an eyebrow. JJ smiled and hovered her lips over Emily's. She nodded her head as her and Emily locked eyes. "Good."

JJ leaned forward and kissed Emily once again. The two just held onto each other as they enjoyed the touch and taste of one another. They pulled away from each other when they heard Carrie descending from the stairs.

"I'm ready!" Carrie said and smiled widely. All three women got bundled up and headed out the door. Emily found JJ adorable with the little white beanie that was covering her head.

All three of them piled into the car as Emily started it. They sat for a bit as they let the windshield defrost before taking off.

As requested by JJ, they stopped at Donut Run for a sandwich, a coffee, and a donut. Carrie happily paid for it as a birthday gift to JJ. She was good at saving her allowance for these kind of things. Emily pulled into a parking spot as the three of them happily ate their warm breakfast with hot coffee and hot chocolate.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

JJ grabbed her phone and answer it. "Hell—"

"Happy birthday you beautiful sweet creature of you!" Penelope shouted. Emily chuckled as JJ quickly moved her phone away from her ear. The blonde woman scrunched up her face at the shouting. "I love you very much. And I'm very thankful that you were given another year of life. But most importantly, another year that you and I get to be crazy chaotic best friends."

"Thank you Penelope," JJ said smiled widely. "I love you too."

"I love you three!" Carrie yelled from the back seat.

"I love you four!" Emily shouted as JJ placed the phone on speaker.

"Oh, found family! Well, this would have been nice to know that you were with the birthday girl at this moment in time," Penelope said and chuckled nervously. The raven-haired woman furrowed her eyebrows.

"Were you expecting anything different?" Emily asked and tilted her head. "Why are you so nervous there, Penelope?"

"What do you mean?" Penelope asked, her voice getting two octives higher. All three of the people in the car raised their eyebrows.

"Penelope," Carrie sang out. The blonde woman sighed as she looked around the coffee shop.

"So I did a thing," Penelope said and trailed off. JJ and Emily both looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Oh God, what did you do?" JJ asked and looked back at Carrie. The teenager shrugged her shoulders.

"I asked the delicious Doctor Tara Lewis on a quick little morning coffee date," Penelope said and held her head in her hand. Emily and JJ both looked at each other with wide eyes. Carrie smirked proudly in the backseat. "She's on her way. But I'm nervous! We're like total opposites. Like hot and cold, fire and ice, Emily's black cargo pants and JJ's white tank top. The ying and yang if you will."

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