"Think of her like a big cup of coffee, JJ," Clara said jokingly. The blonde woman blushed slightly as Emily looked at her with a small smile. JJ's eyes flicked down to her lips quickly before going back up. Both of them felt like they were going to pass out from nerves right then and there. Carrie's couldn't help the proud smile that formed on her face.

"It can just be quick so you don't feel uncomfort—"

JJ grabbed Emily's face and leaned in. JJ didn't hesitate to kiss Emily. She was dreaming of the feeling of her lips on her, and now she finally got it. Emily's eyes shut as she wrapped her arms around JJ's waist and held the woman there. Both women melted into the kiss. The taste of peppermint and strawberry were tasted on both of their lips. They both needed more, so much more.

"Alright that's enough before the two of you go upstairs and make very unholy sounds," Clara said and threw a pecan at them. The two women pulled away smiling at each other. Emily let go of JJ and stepped away from her. She was nervous that this was going to ruin the good relationship between the two.

"Love birds, come help out," Rossi said and beckoned both women to stop daydreaming and come back to the kitchen. The team was rushing to help with the turkey and ham they were having once again. All the while, JJ and Emily would steal innocent loving looks at one another. It warmed Carrie's heart to see. JJ made Emily happy, and that was all that Carrie wanted from the woman.

Christmas dinner was now set up as the team all sat around at the large table together. The entire team were about to dig in when Carrie cleared her throat and stood up. Everyone looked over at the teenager with curiosity in their eyes, especially Emily.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say a few words before we start eating. Um, Christmas was my favorite holiday when I lived back in Denver. I looked forward to it every year. And, I know this year has been very hectic for me, but I'm glad that I got to meet all of you. We've known each other for about four months now, but I love you all to the bottom of my heart. You all took me under your wings and showed me endless amount of love. Especially Emily, without you, I wouldn't know where I would be. Thank you all for being my family and loving all the broken pieces of me and mending them together. Merry Christmas," Carrie said and raised her sparking apple cider. Clara had done her a favor and snuck a little bit of champange into her drink. Everyone raised their glasses at the teenager.

"To family," JJ said and smiled proudly at Carrie. They all cheered their glasses together before digging into their food. When Carrie sat down, Emily wrapped an arm around her and leaned her head against Carrie's.

"Just so you know, you're my favorite gift I've gotten this year, kiddo," Emily said and kissed the top of Carrie's head. The teenager wrapped her arms around Emily and embraced her in a tight hug. JJ's heart melted at the small gesture between the two. "Now eat your greens. They're good for you."

"Fine," Carrie mumbled and grabbed her fork. Emily felt eyes on her. JJ was staring back at her. The blonde woman smiled softly at her. Emily melted when she saw JJ mouth the words 'proud of you,' before digging into her food.

After a whole lot of turkey, ham, mash potatoes, greens, pies, cookies, and alcohol later, the team was gathered around the tree as the clock struck midnight.

"Alright, gift giving time! And then afterwards, we can all go home and pass out," Penelope said and clapped her hands together. The tradition was that youngest would get their gifts first. Now with Carrie being apart of the family, she was first to receive her gifts. She had received numerous gift cards, lots of clothes, a hoverboard compliments of Penelope, and a new bike for school. JJ handed the teenager her massive gift. The teenager's eyes widened as she saw it was a professional art kit. Carrie engulfed JJ in a hug as she was already planning on diving into it when they got home. And lastly, Emily had gifted Carrie a necklace. Specifically, it was a necklace that contained a locket on it. One side was of her family and the other side was a picture of her and Emily. The teenager's eyes started to water as Emily was caught off guard by a tight hug.

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