"Drunk British person" - Cosmic Croissant

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||I had my friend name the title so yeah don't ask.||

We walk though the door an-

"WACK!!" I got hit on the head by an object of some kind, my guess is that it was pretty heavy. What felt like a second later, but was actually 4 hours, I woke up in an office of some sort. I was on the floor and decided to get up. I stood up and looked around for a bit and noticed a-

"A knife?! Why's that here? Wait, am I gonna be murdered!?" I start to question as I'm very fucking scared.  I start to pace around then I try to open the door but it was locked from the outside, so I start to pace around the room again. Then I hear it, someone was unlocking the door. I quickly hid under the desk I saw and hoped I wouldn't die. I hear foot steps walking into the room. 

"Hm? Where did they go?" I hear familiar voice say. Then out of no where my phone starts to ring...  it was my dad. I answer it and put it extremely close to my ear while turning my volume very low cuz  I still don't answer my dad will get more concerned then he probably already is.

"Y/N! Where are you?! Me and your mother are getting extremely concerned right now. Why haven't you answered our other calls?" I hear my father shout on the other end. Wow I must have been knocked out cold, I say in my head.

"Oh, so that's where you went." I look up to see him, it was obviously Dave.  Then in a miracle I noticed Alex behind him, she put her finger to her lips basically telling me not to talk so she won't be caught. Dave helped me get up then Alex struck him in the back of the head with a metal trash can causing him to fall forward and on top of me.

"Is he out?" Alex asked me

"Yeah, I think he might be dead actually." I exclaim 

"Nah he's probably just knocked out." Alex said with confidence as she dragged Dave's lifeless body from off of me. She helps me up from the floor and we head out of the room. I look back and can't help but feel a little bad cuz we've caused so much unnecessary problems that didn't need to happen, if only I didn't want to come back. Buuuutttttt that guy still creeps me out, and why the hell was I in there in the first place but I digress. We head back to our places and I tried to forgot what had happened. I could have been killed, but I'd rather forget about that. Once I arrive home my parents are concerned as hell cuz well I kinda abruptly hung up on them.

"Where were you?!" I hear as my mother practically tackles me with a large hug.

"I was with Alex. We were just exploring some places around here and I didn't notice that you guys were calling me." I explained with a lie right in my parents faces, but they believed me cuz what did they have to doubt. I head up to my room and try to get some sleep, but fall asleep at around 4 or 5 in the morning. The entire time I was awake but I couldn't stop thinking about everything. It just seemed like it all happened so fast that I couldn't process what had happened, but I'm just gonna try to forget that and pretend that it didn't happen.







||don't ask why but I've been listening to bo burnham the entire time I was writing this chapter 😅. But whatever bye bye||

||Yeah stuff happened|| Dave Miller x reader (gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now