You Always Hurt The One You Love - Ruby Lane

Start from the beginning

"I think it's a beautiful name," I tell her. "There are like three Agnes's at our school. So if you're a witch, they are, too."

"You're too sweet, Ruby," Agnes smiles. "But I don't know, I just don't want people to think I'm related to Sarah Fier or some shit."

Kathleen laughs, but my feet suddenly feel frozen, that name slamming through my mind.

Sarah Fier...

It's the name every kid in Shadyside has heard. To some people, she's an amusement, a running gag- to others, she's paranormal, horrifying, the subject of nightmares.

When I heard her story for the first time, I didn't think too much of it. I never paid that much attention to all the "Sarah Fier is haunting the girls bathroom" jokes or the creepy conspiracy theories about some sort of curse she cast on Shadyside. I felt kind of sorry for Sarah, really. Getting hung for witchcraft sounds awful, especially since the history books say she was only 17. One year older than me. But other than feeling a little bad for her, Sarah Fier has never really been on my mind.

Until tonight. Something about it hits differently tonight. I don't know what.



I look up. Its Charles, concern apparent in his features, along with the rest of the group.


"You zoned out," he informs me.

"Oh- sorry," I stammer, a blush rising to my cheeks. "I've been a bit... out of it all day. Kathleen can testify to that."

"Damn right I can."

"If you feel too sick, you could always head home-" Charles starts.

"No, it's okay. I'll probably feel better soon."

"She'll feel better once we get some shots going!" Devon races to the kitchen.

I bite my lip. "I don't know... I told Mom I wouldn't drink."

"But we're Shadysiders!" Kathleen whines.


"And we don't follow the rules! Besides, it's not like anyone will find out."

"If she doesn't want to, it's okay-" Charles interrupts, and I smile at him for not peer pressuring me (take notes, Kathleen.)

"Just one shot? Please?" Kathleen begs. I don't like to break the rules, but if I don't say yes soon, she's gonna bring out the puppy dog eyes. Darn Kathleen knows those are my Achilles heel.

So I relent for what feels like the umpteenth time that night. "Fine. Just one."

"Huzzah!" Devon retreats into the kitchen.

I turn towards Aggie. "When are Cynthia and Kimberly coming? And Mark?"

"Cynthia called me. She has to finish babysitting but will be here soon. Mark has to finish homework before he comes, you know how his parents are. And Kimberly, well... Kim's always late."

"True," I laugh.

Devon emerges with the shots. "Cheers, my friends!" He declares as we all grab the shots.

I take mine tentatively. Other than at weekly mass and one tiny sip of white wine during a game of truth or dare with Kathleen in ninth grade, I've never had alcohol. But... it's too late to back out of it now. Besides, if it's only one shot... it can't be that bad, can it?

But eventually one shot turns into two, three, four... I stop counting. My brain feels all fuzzy and I'm not sure what time it is. The doorbell rings and rings, and eventually Kim and Cynthia and Mark show up and it's a total of seven people, eight counting me. What was supposed to be a two-hour get together turns into three hours... three and a half, maybe?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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