Chapter One

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You woke up in a enclosed space, the loud rattling sound seemed deafening at first, but now it was just background noise. You weren't particularly scared of this situation, it kind of felt like you were in a horror movie. Maybe, just maybe, you were filming for a new movie. That would explain the calmness. It doesn't explain why you can't remember anything specific. You crawled to the corner of the box, sitting crossed legged.
As time went by, you guessed you would listen to music in a situation like this, but no songs came to mind. This wasn't the type of 'I suddenly can't remember any songs.' This was more of a 'I can't remember any specific songs'. You knew songs existed. You knew artists existed. You just didn't know lyrics, artists names or song titles. This was disturbing slightly. Music was a big part of life, it seemed important in your life, but it's like someone snatched that away from you. It angered you somewhat. You yawned as you rubbed your eyes, you were tired but only because you just woke up. This was a normal thing you decided.
The, what you assumed, box started slowing down as you presumed it was reaching its destination. You decided that you weren't filming for a movie because you were in the box for a while and, let's face it, no one would watch someone going up in a box for that long. You stretched out your legs when you suddenly kicked someone. The thought had never occurred to you that you weren't alone in the moving box. This would've maybe helped process your thoughts. Knowing that when the box opened you wouldn't be alone, you'd have someone who is just as confused as you. The person didn't seem to be moving. This thought worried you slightly, not the fact that she might be dead, but the fact that you were sitting next to a corpse. You shivered at that thought and tried to sit more in the corner. You sighed as the box was still slowing down. More thoughts entered your head. What day is it? You didn't want to be wasting your Saturday on something as stupid as riding the elebox. You called the box the elebox. Elevator mixed with the box. It seemed appropriate because your mind was wandering off. You searched through your pockets and found a few bits and bobs. A bobby hair clip, a hair band and raspberry smelling lipgloss. Next to you was a little bag, inside the bag were little girly essentials. Make up, hair bush and more girly things that you couldn't make out in the dark. You put everything in the bag and held it in your hand, playing with the zip as you were still riding up in the elebox. You tried to stretch your arms above your head but the top of the box seemed to have been quite low. That annoyed you. You stretched your arms out in front of you, avoiding the body/corpse by you.
You got somewhat comfortable and closed your eyes as you tried to sleep, at least until you were at the destination. You didn't expect to be disturbed by the box stopping and someone, or something, opening up the box. Whoever, or whatever, opened the box only lifted one hatch up, leaving the other one down. The body came into view, you were safely hidden away by darkness. You noticed the body on the floor belonged to a girl. A figure jumped down, examining the girl. She had a note in her hand. He took it from her and read it.

"They're the last ones... Ever" The figure said like it was the worst thing in the world. This puzzled you. No one seemed to notice it said 'they're' and only focused on the rest of the message.

"Last one?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"
You heard a few people say. It ashamed you that you were stuck with these idiots. You knew what it meant. It was obvious they were getting people regularly, and now that was going to stop happening. You spaced out as words were being said, not caring anymore. You wondered how long it would take until someone noticed you. Sadly. No one did. Everyone was concentrating on the girl, but for a split second, a blond guy with brown eyes looked at you before looking away. Once all the voices were mute, you got out the box, holding the little purse in your hand. You looked around at your surrounding. It was like another box. Your life was being filled with boxes, literally. Life was one big box. You looked around and noticed four entrances/exits. That's when the idea came to run straight for one of them, little did you know that people where already starting to do their daily chores. You heard chatter as you held the purse tightly. You jumped up and down a bit before you ran, sprinting, towards an exit. There were shouts and yelling behind you, either telling you to stop or pointing out the fact that it was another girl, someone different. You didn't stop running though, you just ignored everyone's comments, only concentrating on getting out. Maybe finding somewhere to isolate yourself from these people until you returned home. You were focused on one thing, running. Your adrenaline was what was keeping you going so far. You weren't tired, not physically. Emotionally you were exhausted, all you did in the elebox was think. Nothing else. And it was tiring.
You weren't that far away now. You could see beyond the exits. There were vines, and hallways? Whatever it was, it seemed more free than the big life box. You started to feel slight pangs of tiredness, but that didn't stop you. Nothing did. You weren't worried or even scared, you were surprisingly calm, that was slightly uncomfortable. Maybe this was all a part of a movie you were filming, the elebox was just the trip to the set. Your mind always went to filming a movie, you didn't understand why.
You were almost there, an arms length away when someone grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back. It was the blond. He let go off you as you panted slightly, standing straight like nothing happened.

"What the bloody hell do you think you were doing?!" The guy basically shouted. He had an English accent.

"Running." You simply said. You didn't want to talk, you wanted to rest, let your mind work out things.

"Where the shuck to?" He said, panting as he said so. It was obvious he had to run more. He must've been further behind when you started sprinting. Your thoughts blocked out his footsteps, which annoyed you now. You pointed to the exit.

"There." You said as you took a deep breath. "Listen Greenie." Was all he said before you started tumbling. Everything was becoming a blur. You stumbled, putting all your focus in keeping hold of the purse. The purse was the only thing that was definitely yours, it came up with you in the elebox and you didn't want to lose it to anyone. You tried to speak, but failed as you fell. The boys arms wrapped around you, picking you up, bridal style, and carrying you into some dodgy looking building. You let your eyes close as the pull off sleep won.

Hi. I is me. Me wrote this short chapter.
I would like to point out a few things.
1. Thomas Brodie-Sangster will be my future husband. Dream about him being yours while you can.
You're all invited to the wedding.
2. This fanfic will have bits from the book and bits from the movie version.
3. It won't be in Thomas's point of view. It shall be in yours (yay!)
4. There is no such thing as a British accent.
5. Disclaimer: I do not own anything Maze Runner related. I own the phone I am writing this fan fiction on.

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