"Oh well, commando I shall go," I say getting ready to put on my jeans. He chuckled before tossing them to me.

"I have to go pick up a small thing needed for our date today. Can I leave you here?" He asks.

Of course.

"Sure, take your time," I say smiling. Connor, you just don't know how perfect you are. We both finish dressing quickly, and I saw him on his way out. I began the search of Gabriel's office. I check the garage seeing Erica's car is gone.

Hmm. Where did everyone go? I wondered as I walked the halls. I heard Gabriel's laugh as I neared two dark double doors. I softly knock earning a,

"Come in." Which I gladly did so. My eyes immediately began to take in the surroundings of his office. His degrees were plastered behind him in huge frames. There were a couple of family pictures some including his parents, and might I say his father isn't so bad himself. I can see where Gabriel sprouted his devilishly handsome looks from.

"You wanted to see me?" I ask. He had his phone up to his ear smiling.

Hold on. He mouthed to me. I nodded my head browsing around his office. My hand trailed the shelf that held many books. I lifted my finger and couldn't find not one speck of dust.

"Okay, well I have to go." He says ending the call before setting the phone down on the dark wooded desk.

"Is this Oak?" I say knocking lightly. He smiles nodding his head.

"Please have a seat." He says. I sit down staring boldly at him not breaking eye contact.

"I was able to move your name up to the top of the waiting list. Now I'm not sure if it'll be guaranteed, but that's the best I could do." He says. My eyes lit up.

"Thank you so much!" I say smiling wanting to leap across the desk to kiss him, and thank him in ways my eighteen-year-old self shouldn't be doing.

"Is that all?" I say getting ready to get up.

"I want you to be careful Giselle." He says causing my head to tilt to the side.

"You're young. Connor may be a little immature for you." He says.

"He's twenty-three Gabriel," I say saying his name slowly. He clenched his jaw. I noticed as he tensed.

He rolls his eyes before continuing to speak.

"Connor is young as well. He doesn't know what he wants out of life. I just don't want you to be an experiment of this pursuit he's on." He crosses his arms leaning back into the chair. My mouth forms an 'o' shape letting him know I understand.

"You need someone who will treat you like the good girl you are." He adds on. I smirk at him.

"Who says I'm a good girl?" He tosses his head back in laughter. I was able to see his strong neck as it vibrated due to his deep voice.

I began to grow insecure. Please tell me he doesn't still see me as that little twelve-year-old. I am far from being a child, and I need him to know that I am mature. For Pete's sake, I am doing everything for him in the name of love! If love doesn't dignify maturity, then I don't know what does.

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