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One thousand years ago, the human race prospered greatly. We survived greatly through advanced technology and modern medicine. As the legend goes, our population remained steadily near 7.7 billion; and though our ancestors made many mistakes, they repeatedly rose to their feet and brushed away the dust to keep moving forward. 

But it isn't like that anymore!!

Yes, it is no longer such a time. One thousand years ago, a mistake that could never be reversed was released into society. A man-made plague, a bio-weapon designed to decrease the population, was set loose to kill the majority of humanity. The madman that created such an illness was caught and executed for his crimes, but this did nothing to halt the consequences of the virus. 

Everybody DIED!

Not everyone, my boy. Eight hundred years after the weapon was liberated, a solution was found: the atoms in the plague were instantly vaporized when brought into contact with saltwater. In a frantic act of desperation, those untouched by the plague created a saltwater lake that surrounded a huge, uninhabited island.

The result?

Our home!

Very good. The result... Three million people, all united under specific tribes, set on making their island untouchable by the deadly, mutating plague. Everything that breathes life outside of Paradise is potential danger. That is why we do not ever cross the waters - we will surely lose our lives if we set foot into the Unknown. 

I don't want to die. 

No one does, young one, which is why you must listen attentively to everything I say. Take heed of my warnings, and listen not to those adventurous, curious souls. Their minds are unsatisfied with the assurance that we have in our home, and they are blind to the dangers that lurk on the shores of the Unknown Lands.

But we can see the dragons from our beaches! 

Indeed we can. Most who witness the terrors of dragons know well not to cross the lake, but there are some whose curiosity is only intrigued. Such people are potentially dangerous, and you must give no regard to their words. 

Mother Xila... Did The Legends ever mention dragons?

No one is old enough to remember The Old Days, young one; but if I recall, the stories that have been passed down through our generations have never mentioned the scaled beasts. As you know, it was my distant relative that discovered the solution and helped construct our home. No dragon was mentioned until the first sighting two centuries ago, my boy. 

Where were the dragons hiding?

I am wise, little one... But I am not wise in the knowledge of The Unknown. I do not know where they hid or even if they did take refuge from the prior humans. Many of us believe that the virus mutated the animals of the Unknown Lands, morphing them into violent beasts such as winged lizards. 

Mother Xila...

Speak your mind, young one.

Will... Will the dragons take me this year? 


Mother Xila?

Absolutely not, Kida.

As long as I'm alive and breathing, those winged beasts will never get their claws on you.



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