Hypothermia Cruise

Beginne am Anfang

"Thats not something to joke about, sister." Nat threw Yelena a scolding look. (they're speaking in Russian btw)

"Just let me joke about my trauma, jeez, your such a mom." she flopped back into the couch and took a sip of beer. She turned to Bucky with a suspicious look. "Your lack of reaction is confusing."

"Ex HYDRA agent. I know what they did to the girls there." Bucky shrugged. He had helped me through the entire process. He knew it was a sensitive subject. His eyes were darting over everyones faces, gauging wether or not he needed to punch someone for reacting poorly. I didn't have the courage to look at anything but my drink.

"I'm sorry they did that you you, sister." Nat looked at me with sincerity. "I know what that's like. Its not fun." I offered her the best smile I could muster and nodded once.

"Okay, this is supposed to be a party cruise, lets have some fun, sheesh! All this depressing talk is driving me nuts." Yelena stood up and held a hand out to me. "Jump in the pool with me." I smiled and stood up.

"Don't." Steve advised. "You'll get sick. I once knew a guy who jumped in a frozen lake and died of hypothermia in the same day." 

"Sorry, Stars n' Stripes. I'm here for a good time not a long one~" I told him, skipping off to the edge of the pool with the blonde who had adopted me as her sister not too long ago.

"PARTY CRUISE!!" Yelena shouted, throwing her arms up and catapulting herself into the water.

"HYPOTHERMIA CRUISE!!" I yelled, copying her moves and jumping in. The blonde waved to me underwater and crossed her eyes, pretending to drown. Both of us surfaced laughing.

"My turn!" Morgan was yanked back into her fathers lap and frowned. "No fair, I wanna jump in like Auntie Yelena and Y/n!"

"Absolutely not. They are both assassins that lived in Russia, they can take a bit of cold-"

"Y/n can take a lot of cold." Nat coughed through a smirk. Tony clapped his hands over his daughters ears and gaped. I flicked water at her, making the fire pit hiss and crackle.

"She sure can." Loki hummed, flipping the page in his book nonchalantly. I gaped at them both and scoffed.

"I am missing context, but I think I'm okay with it." Yelena stated, floating on her back.


College has thanos snapped all my free time and between band and school I barely have time for homework. thanks for all the love and support, Thaw hit #1 in #Lokimarvel not too long ago so thanks so much for that!

it feels so good to be qblw to say this again....

its meme time baby!

Morgan, on her way to cause drama between Yn and Scott:

Morgan, on her way to cause drama between Yn and Scott:

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this is so canon its not even funny

this is so canon its not even funny

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me, suddenly updating

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the poster someone hung in the art building on campus

the poster someone hung in the art building on campus

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me, adding Yelena in

me, adding Yelena in

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Thaw [Loki X Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt