05. COULD I HAVE A. . . . TEST?

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「𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟓」───────▪♠▪───────

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Natalia woke up with a jolt, nausea forming inside her, and rushed to the bathroom of her bedroom, emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

Her elbows propped around the frame, her head in her hands, as she breathed deeply, trying to calm her stomach down. Another wave of nausea passed through her causing Natalia to hurl in the toilet again. Gasping slightly, she flushed the toilet and leaned her back on the tiled wall of the bathroom.

Closing her eyes, she started to breathe through her nose, exhaling through her mouth, settling down her body. A hand softly pressed against her stomach, as the other was clenched on the cold tiled floor. After a few moments, when she felt better, Natalia slowly got up from the floor and went over to the mirror in the bathroom, seeing her face pale and her lips chapped. 

She raised her t-shirt, exposing her flat stomach, and sighed. She bent down, turning the faucet on, and slowly drank water, having in mind to not gulp much at once. She gingerly grabbed her toothbrush and placed some toothpaste upon it, slowly washing her teeth, reminding herself not to make sudden movements, wouldn't her stomach want to jump out of her throat again.

When she was done, and feeling slightly better, Natalia got dressed in a simple sundress and put on her heels, fixing her hair before she grabbed her hotel room key and left.

Going downstairs, she stopped by the breakfast buffet and grabbed a simple buttered toast before leaving the hotel completely, walking in the direction of the pharmacy.

Natalia walked in with a deep breath and headed to the counter.

"Excuse me, could I have a. . . . test?" she said as she swallowed hard, trying not to meet the eye of the woman at the counter.

Apparently, the pharmacist knew exactly what she meant and immediately gave her a small smile, before hurrying to the back and returning with a box containing a pregnancy test.

"Do you know how to use it, honey?" she asked and Natalia nodded absent-minded gripping the test so hard it left her knuckles white.

"I'm only a couple of weeks late, it must be nothing," she mumbled lowly and the pharmacist gave her a sympathetic look.

"Have you had any other symptoms?"

"Nausea," Natalia answered after a moment of silence. "But I, I think I ate something bad the other day. . . ."

It was obvious Natalia didn't believe what she was saying. Not a single word. She knew that the most probable thing was that, yes, she was pregnant. But if she was, Natalia didn't know what to do. She wasn't ready for a baby. Was she?

She didn't have a stable home, money, or anything really. She was living off of other people's lives and that was fine when it was just her. But a baby. . . . A baby would complicate things a lot.

How would she even tell Sirius? She had to tell him. It was the right thing to do. That and he would eventually find out if they ever came looking for her and she had a swollen stomach or a little kid on her arms.

"Well, have a nice day, " the woman at the counter told her as Natalia put down the money.

With a fleeting smile, she left the store and went back to the hotel.

Entering her room again, slowly as if that would stall the answer, Natalia entered the bathroom and took the test.

The few minutes, it was supposed to take, seemed like an eternity to Natalia. The seconds ticking away in her hand watch, slowly leading her to insanity, as she sat on the edge of the bathtub, gripping the porcelain with strength. Her jaw was clenched as she looked ahead, watching her blue eyes in the mirror, not being able to focus on anything aside from the ticking seconds and the blue of her eyes. And then—

Her watch beeped, and her eyes snapped to the test on the counter. Turning the alarm off, Natalia took a deep breath, and gingerly, reached out for the test. As she looked at the answer, Natalia felt her stomach clench and in the next second, she was once more, hunched over the toilet throwing up.

It was Positive.

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