I narrow my eyes, again. He's been with Angelique, or so says Jasmine. I won't tell him about the deal Hades has offered me, yet. Not yet. "What have you done, Xavier?"

Xavier came closer.

I felt so small. So utterly small as he presses my back against the wall. I can smell alcohol on Xavier's breath, and it's making me sick. Making me shake. "You have to give into what Jasmine tells you to do. This new plan is so utterly brilliant, and she offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. She'll allow me to go through the portal with you after the competition is over."

"You can't trust them, Xavier - "

" - I'll trust whoever I want." He slurs.

I nodded in understanding. "You're drunk," it wasn't a question. "You're fucking drunk."

"Maybe I am a little drunk, so what? You get drunk all the time, dear." Xavier sighs. "I see you aren't excited about me going to the human world, after all... Maybe Angelique was right."

I twist my lips into a sneer, narrowing my eyes at him. "And maybe she wasn't."

Xavier's fists slams against the wall near me. "She was right that I'm not good enough for you." He spat. "I should have known better, coming here. You're just like all those other girls. "

Anger burned through my chest.

I grab his collar as Xavier tries to walk away. "I am nothing like them, Xie. Hades knows about us." Xavier's breath was shaking, warmer against my face.

Xavier exploded with anger. He grabbed me, shaking me so hard I became dizzy. "You did what?"

"I-I told him. Hades already knew."

A deep growl sounded in the back of Xavier's throat. "I should have known better than to trust you with a simple secret. I bet you handed him my diary, too. Told him you knew that everyone wasn't really dead, hm?"

"No - " I started.

He slams his fist against the wall near my head. He shouted, "Don't lie to me!"

"I-I wasn't." I whisper shyly.

A knock sounded on the door. Xavier hovered beside me, breath shaking. "Were you expecting someone?"

"N-no." I whisper.

"Well, answer it." Xavier crosses his arms over his chest, swaying as he leans away from me.

Xavier backs up, and I open the door a little. I only open it a crack, enough that whoever was on the other end could see my face, and not my legs. It was Castiel, and I hoped I didn't look nervous.

I felt it. "H-hi."

Castiel tried to look inside, but failed. "Is everything okay? I thought I heard you screaming, Ariel."

"I'm fine." I lied.

"Can I come in?"

I gulp. I wasn't in a place to refuse, and I really didn't want to. But Xavier was inside, and he was waiting. I was scared, but wanted to settle this now, and get Xavier safety back to his own room. "Um, I don't think now is the best time."

Castiel sighs, and pushes open the door. Xavier has been standing behind me. "Oh, look who it is." Xavier rolls his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets, snorts. "The future ruler of the underworld, coming to save the day."

"I suggest you check in with your lead before you get into trouble," Castiel narrows his eyes.

"I was just leaving, anyway," Xavier stumbles outside.

Son of Hades Where stories live. Discover now