15- Dial M For Merger

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Logan's POV

Duncan, Harold, and I sat at one of the benches outside the trailers. The Killer Grips sat across from us with bitter looks on their faces.

Although last week was rough, I'm feeling so much better. We all have our bad days, and I guess that day was one of them.

"Ugh... I keep eating like this, and my booty's gonna get bitty," Leshawna said, walking over to us with a sandwich in hand. Harold and Duncan glared at her along with the Grips.

"See? Now, that's not kosher." Leshawna threw her sandwich down in anger. "What's a girl gotta do? I've said I'm sorry about a teensy spa lie a million times!"

//Courtney's Confessional

"And that's the only million Leshawna will ever see." [hums and dials on her phone] "My lawyers are working on it right now." //

"Even my own teammates? Teamies?" She looked over at Harold and Duncan while I scribbled away in my journal.

Harold stood up, clearly still heartbroken by what had happened last week. "Go, Leshawna. Go, Leshawna," he chanted weakly.

"Careful, you'll get wind burn from moving so fast," Leshawna retorted.

"Hey, I don't trust anybody anyway, except Logan, so... heh, biz is usual, teamie," Duncan responded. I gave Leshawna a small smile.

"Bleak, yet oddly heartwarming," she replied, glancing between us.

//Leshawna's Confessional

"It seems like Logan's the only one who's feathers I haven't ruffled up. The boys could learn a thing or two from her." //

//Logan's Confessional

[shrugs] "I don't really have a reason to be mad at Leshawna anymore. Sure what she said was uncalled for but there are so many people who have done the same thing. I'm a culprit, too. I'm not proud of it but at the end of the day, you live and you learn and you have to move on. Karma will find a way to Leshawna again, someway or another." //

"Ugh!" Lindsay grunted, trying to push the girls trailer door open. "Oh! Door, it's me, Lindsay. From this morning. You remember!"

"Door, meet doorknob," Courtney spat out at the foolish blonde.

"Oh, yeah!"As Lindsay tugged on the door, a camera popped out, scanning her face.

"Intruder alert! Entry denied!" A voice spoke. Suddenly, the stairs of the trailer turned into a ramp. Lindsay fell backwards and into a hole that came out of nowhere.

Dropping my journal, Duncan and I rushed over there to see what happened.

"What the-" Duncan held his neck in pain.

"Huh?" I asked, a bit alarmed. My friend groaned, falling inside the hole.

"What just happened?" As I peered inside the hole to see for myself, I felt a sharp prick in my butt. I lost consciousness for the second time this month, falling inside the hole.


I woke up, groaning in pain. Lifting up my head, I saw I was on Duncan's chest and he was staring back down at me with a smug look on his face.

"Where are we?" I rubbed my scalp from where I must've hit it when I went unconscious.

Looking around, I noticed the other contestants and I were in a cave— probably another set somewhere in this film lot that we didn't know about until now.

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