14- Million Dollar Babies

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Logan's POV

With a stuffy nose, I headed for the trailer door with Leshawna, scratching the top of my head groggily.

"I'm so sorry! I must've started sleep-twirling again!" I heard Beth apologize as Leshawna cracked open the trailer door.

"Did she say sleep-twirling?" Leshawna asked, stepping out of the trailer. I popped out from behind her.

"There's a such thing as sleep twirling?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I took a step down and walked over to Leshawna as Courtney started to yell at Beth.

"That PDA is my legal right in this game. Touch it again, Beth, and prepare to be served!" Courtney growled out. I rolled my eyes.

A trombone was played poorly by Chris. He walked over to us with a drum strapped onto his back that would go off every time he took a step.

"Morning, sports fans!" Chris greeted with a large smile. "Who's ready to put up a good offense?"

"Spaghetti here! Get your piping hot spaghetti here!" Chef hollered out, following Chris while carrying balls of spaghetti. He chucked one at each of us- besides Harold who got pelted with them.

"Woah! Woah! That was a spitball!" Harold claimed, getting back up with spaghetti balls hanging off of him.

"That was breakfast," Chris said as I quietly snacked on mine.

"Pasta for breaky?" Lindsay asked, holding hers like a volleyball along with Heather and Leshawna.

"It's called carbo-loading, contestants! Today, you're all going to give two hundred percent in our exciting sports movie challenge!"

Yes! A sports movie challenge. Maybe I have a shot at winning this for my team.

"You are aware that two hundred percent is a mathematical impossibility?" Harold questioned, being his know-it-all self. Chef chucked another ball of spaghetti at him.

"Suck that 'ghetti back, you lovable underdogs destined to come back from certain failure," Chris told us. "We've got a training run."


"That all you got, sports fans?! Man up! It's time for more action!" Chris called out to us as I stopped running. The others were way behind me, gasping for air while I held onto my sides, a little worn out.

"I may have spoke too soon, it seems to me like Logan's the only one who has it in her. Come on kiddies! It's just a jog!" They soon approached us, struggling to find air.

"How... did you... run so fast!" Heather huffed.

"She's a runner," Duncan answered for me as they panted like dogs. "What did you expect?"

"Three cups of spaghetti followed by a 3K jog? All I'm ready for is a nap," Leshawna wheezed out, collapsing onto the ground. "W-What is this? Plastic lawn?"

"Astroturf. Hello? It's a set." Chris gestured to our "field".

"Today's competition is gonna require sweat, guts, heart, and sweat," Chris told us.

"You said sweat twice," Heather pointed out. That only meant double the torture. Great.

"Because it's not just your sweat you'll be dealing with. There's Chef's sweat, too!" Chris motioned to a sweaty Chef who was doing jumping jacks with football gear on. "Cause you'll be pushing him the length of the field! And he just ate a huge jar of jalapeño peppers, so he's spraying like a gym class shower."

"We gotta push spiced up Chef like he's a football dummy?" Justin asked. Chef stepped on the football sled that sat adjacent to Chris.

"Don't call me a dummy!" Chef spat with venom.

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