Chapter 24

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'LET ME COME WITH YOU. I HAVE LIGHT.' Thinking about it at first, Alice wouldn't react to kindly. Then again, he would provide me with more light, even though I had a flashlight, but each time I used it, the light got weaker and weaker. So maybe I could let him help me just this once. Who knows, this might be a good idea.
"... Oh alright, just this once." I agreed.

Me and the Projectionist explored the area, struggling with each step. I have to say, trudging through ink is tiring, even though I've gotten used to it by now. Not only did that exhaust me, but the fact that it was hard to find any creatures around made this mission even more challenging than ever.

Eventually, we stumbled across an open barrel filled with white ink. My face lit up with joy, knowing that it would most definitely be enough to take with me. Feeling the rush of excitement, I grabbed the syringe and stuck it into the liquid. But before I could put the syringe to use, an inky hand lifted it out of the ink and threw it at the wall, making the fragile thing crack at the top. It was only a slight crack, so it would still be okay to use, but Alice would be furious with me.

My face darkened with horror, knowing what the Projectionist had just done. Right then and there, I went angry, just how Alice would react after finding out about this.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I screamed, picking up the syringe that begun sinking into the ink. The Projectionist frowned beneath the projector as he began to write once more.
I felt confused, why couldn't I have it? Was there a grudge he held towards Alice? Was it out of cruelty? Or was it something else?
'WHITE INK IS IMPORTANT. PURE WHITE INK, AS SHOWN ON IN THE BARREL, IS NEWER. BUT ON OTHER BEINGS, IT AGES WITH THE INK, MAKING IT DRYER.' At first, his explanation confused me. But as I continued to read, I understood. Alice is an impatient woman. She'd want her face fixed then and there. Since the white ink in the barrel is newer, it'd take longer to dry. But the white ink I'd collect from creatures would dry up quicker, since its aged. Plus, I had already collected enough ink to fill a quarter of the syringe, and the ink was dryer. It'd be weird to mix the two. So in the end, we never touched the ink in the barrel and carried on searching. Still, the thought of Alice getting furious still managed to haunt me now and again.

We passed a couple of small rooms, none having any source of white ink. Then we reached another small room, in the middle was a projector. The projector wasn't turned on, but was pointing to a wall. The projectionist looked all around the room, hoping to find something, and he did. I turned on the projector, showing a scene from one of the episodes of the cartoon, and underneath layed the body of a Barley clone. Quietly, I sampled some white ink, making Barley sink to the ground. Now, around half of the syringe was filled with white ink.

Shortly after, me and the Projectionist wandered around the rest of the bottom floor. We even came across another body. Wasting no time, I rushed over and sampled the last of the white ink. I sighed afterwards, relieved that we were done. The only problem was heading back. I didn't know what Alice was going to say about the syringe, nor did I know how she'd react finding out I've had help. I didn't even know if it was okay for someone else to help me (aside from Bendy of course).
The crack in the syringe stopped me from filling it to the top, and instead, I was only able to fill three quarters of it. But that should be enough to fix her jaw, right?

I left it at that, not wanting to worry myself even more. Alice has been kind to me, plus, I'm helping her out, the least she can do is spare me. Then again, she still might think I'm siding with Bendy. Speaking of the Ink Demon, I haven't seen him in a good while (minus the odd dream I had earlier), but I shrugged that off. He could just be watching quietly from a far distance.
I continued my way back to level 9, thanking the Projectionist for helping. Then I thought about the fact that Alice hadn't commented on anything whilst I was doing my tasks. She didn't even say anything after I was done. Again, I shrugged it off, maybe she was being extremely observant right now, not bothering to say a word until she got what she wanted.

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