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The year was 2018 and it was Summer on the Island of Sodor (You know, your typical opening.), and all the engines were worked off their wheels pulling goods and passengers all over the island. One evening, Edward came back to the sheds where Sir Topham Hatt was waiting.

Sir Topham Hatt: Ah Edward, just the engine I wanted to see. I want you to take some supplies to the old branchline as the mansion has been vandalized.

Edward: Yes sir.

And Edward puffed away to collect his trucks. He collected his train from Knapford and made his way to the old branchline. While he was waiting for a signal to change to let him, he felt a pain in his wheels.

Edward: Driver, I think there might be something wrong with my wheels.

But before his driver had a chance to look at Edward, his brakes gave out and he began rolling down the line out of control. Luckily, the tracks had been set for the old branchline. But before Edward could crash into the shed, he switched onto an old line.

Edward: *thought*That's weird, I don't remember this line being here.

But he didn't have time to think about that as he was immediately met with a wall of trees and foliage. When Edward broke through the forest, he smashed into a pair of buffers, which were facing backwards? Edward kept going until he saw a large station that looked like a station you'd see on the mainland like King's Cross or Paddington. Edward's crew jumped out and Edward braced for impact.

Meanwhile at a house:

A certain plumber dressed in red and blue was sleeping when there was a large crash.

Mario: What was that noise. Nah, it's probably nothin'.

And he went back to sleep.

The next morning, the engines woke up to be given their jobs for the day, when Emily noticed something.

Emily: Where's Edward?

The other engines looked to Edward's shed. It was empty.

Gordon: He probably fell asleep on the branch. He was assigned to take supplies there.

Thomas: I don't know, Gordon. I feel like something happened.

Sir Topham Hatt: I agree, Thomas.

James: That man has perfect timing.

Sir Topham Hatt: Thank you, James. Anyway, Thomas is right, Edward should've been back by now. Which is why I'm sending Thomas, Percy, and James to retrace Edward's steps to find where he ended up.

The three engines retraced the NWR's number 2 until they got to the mansion.

Percy: Hey guys.

Thomas: Yeah, Percy.

Percy: Was that switch always there?

He was right. That switch hadn't been there until now.

Thomas: No, it wasn't.

James: Do you think Edward went down there.

Thomas: Probably.

And so, the NWR's numbers 1, 6, and 5 went down the old line. Soon they reached they large station to find a large crash.(I'll let you interpret how the crash looks like.)

Thomas: Edward! Edward are you okay?

Edward:*cough* I think so.

Thomas: We'll get help.

But before the three engines could leave, a man walked in. He looked a little overweight and was dressed in white overalls with a blue undershirt and cap.

???: What the heck happened here.

Thomas: Um... who are you?

???: Well who are you?

Thomas: My name's Thomas, and behind me is my best friend Percy and James.

SMG4: Well my name is SMG4, Youtuber and memelord.

Edward: I hate to interrupt this moment, but can somebody help me.

James: Already on it.

And James puffed away to get the breakdown train. Meanwhile, SMG4 had gathered some of his friends and was introducing them to the engines. There were 2 plumbers, one of which looked almost identical to SMG4 only wearing red and blue instead of white and blue, named Mario and Luigi, a girl who looked like an inkling from the Splatoon game by Nintendo named Meggy, a tall anime looking girl named Saiko,(The engines thought it best to not get on her bad side.) a frog-like creature called a spike named Fishy Boopkins, a lizard-like creature named Bowser, and a creature with blades for hands, eagle feet, talked in a obnoxious text-to-speech voice, and dressed in a cloak who was called a garo named Bob.

After the three engines transported Edward to the works, they told Gordon, Henry, and Emily about what Edward had discovered.

Henry: But how that part of Sodor go undiscovered for so long?

???: I can help with that.

Out of nowhere, Lady appeared.

James: What do you mean.

Lady: Back in ancient times, the native Sudric people got along with the creatures of the Mushroom Kingdom, even when the Industrial Revolution rolled around, things were good between Sodor and the Mushroom Kingdom. Even the early Sodor engines knew about the Mushroom Kingdom, and there are only three early Sodor engines left, Glynn, Neil, and Edward.

Gordon: That hunk of old iron knew about this and he never told us. Why?

Lady: When World War I started, the first Sir Topham Hatt and original ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom decided it would be safer to make it seem like the Mushroom Kingdom never existed so that the Central Powers or any other dangerous group wouldn't capture it. I was the engine who made sure of that. Sir Topham Hatt I made sure to destroy anything relating to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Soon the whole island knew about the Mushroom Kingdom. But what they didn't know the what would happen on August 4 that would set a series of events in motion that the engines would have to face together.

By the way this takes place after "Waluigi's Time."

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