💓Our Tested Love💻(4)

Start from the beginning

Vansh was no better. He reached the spot where Riddhima's current location displayed on his mobile phone just to be left dumbfounded to see her looking so serene and genuinely happy after the wait of three years. Last time he had seen her was the moment before she left running from the college and it was a heart-wrenching moment for him.

He felt too ecstatic to go to her and hug her and tell her what he wanted from her and his life. He wanted to tell her the importance she holds in his life. He wanted her for himself forever. He smiled at his thought of FOREVER. He was too impatient and suddenly, he was snapped out of his thoughts when Riddhima turned to face him and his breath hitched in his throat at the sight of  Riddhima who mesmerised him everytime with her beautiful angelic smile.

They both had been caught in the love-filled eyelock with teary eyes and small smiles on their faces for a while when suddenly the sky grumbled with thunder indicating that it was upset because of the two's distance from each other. They both snapped out of the eye-lock and looked away with a slight blush on their cheeks.

When the next time the same thunder struck, Riddhima got scared because of the intensity and leaped forward to Vansh's embrace to find his warmth soothing and calming her down. She finally felt home as if her whole world existed at this place and all her life's problem's were solved.

Vansh on hearing the thunder got startled for a second but completely froze the moment his SWEETHEART jumped into his arms.

All the feelings, love, warmth and peace he missed came back gushing the moment Riddhima hugged him tightly. For a few seconds he did not even react and when his brain registered everything he just hugged her too tight as if she would vanish if he let go of her.

They both closed their eyes and stood still for some minutes enjoying each other's presence. When Riddhima realised their position, she blushed slightly but Vansh could not see it. She tried to come out of his arms but failed badly and when Vansh sensed it, he let go of her slightly loosening his grip on Riddhima.

When Riddhima faced him by tilting her head they both had happy tears in their eyes looking at each other. Riddhima subconciously moved her hand from his back to his face and touched it carresing his cheek while Vansh did the same. Both the connected souls leaned into the touch soaking in their warmth.

After a while, they both got normal. They wiped their tears getting out of each other's embrace and smiled heartily.

To clear the awkwardness in the air, Vansh started with the converation.

"Hi Riddhima!" Riddhima smiled and replied to him, "Hi Vansh! So how are you now?"
"I am all good and I am too much happy to have you back. Hey! Tell me one thing. Why did you call me on this beach?"

Riddhima replied with a smile," Because this place is very special for both of us. This is where we first met." Vansh frowned getting confused and asked," What are you saying? Our first meet was in college."

"Ah han! Wrong! This is the place we first met. I know you don't have any idea. So let me tell you." Vansh nodded with a serious face.

Flashback starts

On the same beach, on a Saturday evening before the college was about to start for both RIANSH, Vansh came there. He usually came there to bask in the presence of sea waves and the setting Sun's warmth.

That day, when Vansh reached the beach, he unusually started to stroll there in the isolated area of the beach where he saw a girl sitting with her face covered and her head in between her knees and her knees bent near her chest. She was sitting their near the waves.

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