stuck with you

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Tharn pulled out Type and make him stand up beside him,

" Please don't eat me" said Type little bit scared...

"Oh kitten,I will not eat car got broke down so just watch the surrounding while I m checking the car as there will be Wild animals nearby" Tharn said smiling and opened the front slide of car...

After checking it but car didn't started so he called the mechanics but as it was too late so they will not arrive before Tomorrow morning.

" Damn! That means we need to stay here today ?" Asked Type looking at Tharn...

" Yes," Said Tharn and sat down at back car...

Type was about to sit in front when Tharn interpreted him...

"Just rest back seat is big , Don't be scared I will not eat you" Tharn laughed...

Type just frowned and sat down beside Tharn who was half streching the back seat and resting his head there...

"You want to eat something?" Asked Type and tharn looked at Type...

" Yes,I want to eat you..." He laughed again...

"Stop! Now I will not give you my snacks" Type said and began to eat his food,he was about to eat his bun when Tharn shows his mouth open with puppy eyes...

" I m hungry" pouted Tharn..
TYPE just rolled his eyes and fed him the bun...

Both of them didn't realized and Type fed Tharn whole buns...

"You want water?" Asked Type and Tharn nodded.

Type offered him water and The other one gulped it and closed his eyes...

Type was also tired so he closed his eyes and falls his sleep,he slowly tilted his head and falls on THARN'S lap...

Tharn was sleeping too,and in his sleep he held Type body and pulled him up in his body like koala style.

Suddenly,he heard a vibration and Tharn's sleep got disturb and he immediately pulled out the phone as it was vibrating so he picked it up while closing his eyes in his sleep...

" Hello mumma"

" Hmm"

" Mu-mma i-i-i miss you... please- please come back.. mu-mma " Tharn who heard this..his eyes widened and he looked at the phone hearing a kid voice while crying...

He looked at the screen and saw name KIT baby...

He has a baby? His baby name is kit? the hell can he have a baby in this young age...

Shrugging those thoughts he looked down and found Type was in his embrace...he immediately shrugged his body...

" Type wake up! Wake up! Your baby is crying" said Tharn shrugging his body while showing his phone to him...

Type immediately opened his eyes and snatched the phone which was on speaker...

" Mu-mma why aren't you talking with me" kit cried more...

" Bub,calm down please don't cry..why are you crying,I told you not to cry last night" Type said...

"Mumma, you Alexa bullied me saying that he has a father,and siblings but I don't have any" said kit crying...

"My baby,am I not enough for you? Just don't cry, please my bub,you will get sick" Type pleaded...

"Ok,but i want my daddy,buy me a daddy" said kit...

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