Chapter 22 | Trouble Attack

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Boboiboy: Belahan Halilintar!

Boboiboy run to Bora Ra and use his Thunderstorm sword to attack him, Bora Ra didn't feel anything cause of his metal armour but stop his hand at Fang face and look at Boboiboy. Boboiboy eyes widen up and hold there.

Bora Ra: Heh, you think your attack is gonna defeat me now! Take this *swing his hammer to Boboiboy*

Boboiboy: AAAAAH! Ughh..

Bora Ra hammer hit until Boboiboy. Boboiboy hit the wall and fall down to the floor and transform back to normal.

Bora Ra: Pathetic. You already lost? You really are weak.. Hahah!!

Yaya: Mighty Punch!

Yaya punch Bora Ra hard, and Bora Ra slide back a little.

Bora Ra: You little brat!!

Bora Ra used his black hole power to suck Yaya in but..

Ying: Kuasa Slowmo!

Ying slow down time and run to Yaya and get her far away from the black hole, she also get Fang and Commander far away but she don't have enough time to get Boboiboy..

Bora Ra: Heh.. You guys are done for!

Everyone except Boboiboy: Huh!!

Bora Ra smash his hammer down and aim it at Fang, Commander, Ying and Yaya. Bora Ra hit them down to the floor and they are all laying there.

Ochobot: Gopal you need to go help your friends!!

Gopal: Huh! Uhh.. I don't know what to do..

Reverse eyes widen up when he is just looking in the control room. He saw Boboiboy sitting by the wall. Fang, Commander, Ying and Yaya laying on the floor badly hurt.

Reverse [Whispers]: Is time to have some fun *smiles*

Bora Ra: Hahaha!! Is your turn now Boboiboy.. *turning his head and staring at Boboiboy*

Boboiboy clench his teeth and trying to stand but it hurt more, Boboiboy look up and saw Bora Ra swinging his hammer round and round his hand.

Bora Ra: Your turn to be smash.. *smiling*

Boboiboy eyes widen up and got frightened. He force himself to stand but fall and bending his knees on the floor.

Bora Ra smash down his hammer when he walk closer to Boboiboy but stopped by Reverse.

Reverse: Stop! You have crosses the line!!

Bora Ra: Huh?! Who are you?

Reverse: Someone you need to be scared of..

Ochobot and Gopal got shocked to see Reverse over there.

Gopal: Ehh.. How does he know we are here?!

Reverse smiled and turn to R. Blaze..

Reverse: Chakram Api!!

Note: If I type the Malay word wrong pls don't kill me owo I am not Malay.. And I only type the Malay words for transformation or powers only :3
(Some I don't cause Idk)

Bora Ra: Heh.. I see what going on..

Reverse attack Bora Ra but Bora Ra dodges every attack..

Reverse: Ish.. R. Solar!!

Reverse turn to Solar and use Solar Eclipse Blast. Bora Ra got hit by the wall because of Reverse and got Bora Ra armour got damage.

After Reverse attacked Bora Ra dissapeared, Reverse eyes widen and check on Boboiboy. Gopal and Ochobot came out and see Fang, Commander, Ying and Yaya

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