🥵🥵Cap 4 😥🙄😬

227 5 7

Nap camp takes u on a hot date at Olive Garden and he starts love beating you with a breedstick "bb stop, a manager might see you." And he stops because he'll draw attitenyion and get reconfbjzed in public as the lemon demon. You get a sLAd and East it and then you a nald camera go home together. Abs have a lov life and have 7 children all named after lemon demon songs. 🤏👍💀👹

The end 🥵🥵🥵🤯🤯👹👉👈👉👈💋💋💋

🤩Neil Cicierega x reader👹🤠حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن