Nightmare (Updated)

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Eliana: 5 years old
Natasha: 22 years old

Natasha POV
I was talking on the phone doing my work while my baby girl was sleeping. Since that was the only way I could work, she's very clingy to me and wants to be with her mama all the time. Something that if you ask me, I really don't mind honestly. On the contrary, I adore it, I wouldn't asked having it in other way. My Малышка (Babygirl) is my everything and being with me makes her happy. And if I needed to stop working to see her beautiful smile every day, trust that I'll do it without hesitation.
I was talking with Fury about some files that I was going to send him later on the day, when in the middle of the conversation, I hear little footsteps coming my way. Apparently Мое маленькое солнышко (my little sunshine) wake up and was looking for me. "Mama" I hear my baby girl call for me from my office door "Fury I need to go now, Eli just woke up from her nap and she's calling for me" "Don't worry Nat, I completely understand. Tell my little rascal that grandpa pirate says hi" I chuckled "Will do. I'll be sending you those files later tonight, probably when Eli goes to sleep, ok?" "Roger that" I hang up the phone while walking my way to the door. When I open it, the first thing I see is my baby clutching her little baby blanket to her chest, her red puffy eyes and her cheeks wet with tears, making me frown "Aww Милая, что случилось? (sweetie, what happened?)" she looks up at me making grabby hands, and without thinking it to much, I lean down, picking her up and putting her on my hip, and with my free hand; I started to wipe her wet cheeks and straighten her hair, moving it away from her face "Принцесса (Princess) tell mama what's wrong?" instead of answering me, she buried her head on my shoulder, hugging my neck tight. I walked us to my chair, sitting down with her front to my chest, kissing her head and drawing circles on her back "Детка (Baby) please talk to me, what happen Возлюбленный (sweetheart)?" Silence. I let out a sigh, pulling her slightly away from me, which make her let out little whines, but I ignored them, putting my fingers under her chin and lift it so she could see me "Mommy wants to know what happen so she can help you baby that's all" she looked at me with pleading eyes, telling me to just let it go and let her have her cuddles "I promise that after you talk to mommy about what happen you're going to feel better. What mama always says?" she whisper "Высказать мои чувства, чтобы я мог помочь маме понять (Voice my feelings so I can help mommy to understand)" I smile "That's right Принцесса (princess), you need to voice your feelings so I can understand and then I can help you with anything that you need" I started to gently rub her cheek "plus, after you tell me, we can have all the cuddles you want. But if you don't talk to me about what's going on, mommy can't help you" she took a moment to think about it, then after taking a deep breath she said "While I was taking my nappy time, I had a really bad nightmare. We were in the ugly place again, and-and the bad men came and took me away from you again. And-and I was screaming and kicking and punching because I didn't wanted them to take me away from you mama, but they didn't listen to me. And-and they started hurting you and I scream louder DON'T HURT MY MOMMY but they weren't listening and I was to scared because I wanted mommy and Eli to be safe again, I didn't want us to be in that ugly place anymore" I frown "Четка, малышка (C'mere babygirl)" I pull her closer to my chest, burying my nose in her curly ginger hair, taking in her baby scent, and start to rock us gently while my hand would move slowly up and down her small back. I myself get teary eyed by just listening to her, narrate what happened in her nightmare, I really hate the fact that my baby had to went through so much horrors in her first three years of her life. But I needed to remind myself that we weren't in that horrible place anymore. With the help of Clint I got us out, we're safe and far away from harms way. It's been two years, I work for S.H.I.E.L.D now and live with my sweet girl in a safe house that only the people that I trust know about.
I took a deep breath calming myself before I left a lingering kiss on my baby's hairline, pushing myself a little further so I could whisper in her ear "Теперь все в порядке, моя малышка (Everything is ok now my baby)" I lean my head on top of hers, gently rubbing her back. Silence surrounds us for a couple of minutes. Me focusing on comforting my baby, her laying down on top of me with her head in my chest. I notice how, she not just had her head on my chest, but also she make sure that in the way her head was laying, her little ear was located exactly where she could hear my heartbeat. Her little hand resting on my right breast. I notice how much calmer she was ever since I she was in laying in this position, making me have an idea. I lift my head again so I could talk to her
"Princess do you like the sound from mama's chest?" She hums "Do you know what it is?" "Mama's heartbeat" I smile "What a smart little girl I got here huh" I praise making her blush a little pulling a bigger smile on my face and making me chuckle "You were right, that sound in my chest is mama's heart beating and I can make you a promise" I looked down at her "Do you want to make a promise with mommy?" she nodded her head sitting herself up so she would be looking at me, our eyes meeting.
"I can promise you baby, that as long as this heart right here keeps beating" I gently take her little hand in mine and put it where her head was laying on my chest a second ago, so she could feel the beat "I will always. ALWAYS protect you my love. Я буду держать нас в безопасности (I'll keep us safe)" she looked at me with so much love and adoration and flash me with her big smile "I will protect you to mommy. I promise. Wait no I double promise. Wait nonono I TRIPLE PROMISE" I laugh at her antics "Wow that is such a Big promise Принцесса (princess)" she slightly shake her head "No mama, that's a HUGE PROMISE" she giggles making me shake my head. It's moments like this where I thank everything above for giving me the best gift I could ever ask for in life. Her. My sweet babygirl. "Что я когда-либо делал, чтобы заслужить тебя, моя дорогая?(What did I ever do to deserve you my dear)" she put her thinking face on and move up her shoulders "I don't know but I'm very happy to have you as my mommy. Я бы не хотел другого, который не ты (I wouldn't want another one that isn't you)" she changed her position still in my lap so now she was sitting on her knees, getting herself closer to my face. She leaned to give me a sound big kiss "MWUAH" making me giggle. Then she pull her face a little further and then lean back to me again, making our foreheads connect "Мамочка, я так тебя люблю (Mommy I love you so much)" A smile form in my face while I put my hands on both her cheeks, cupping her face, slightly rubbing my thumbs in her soft skin. I pull away a second to kiss her little nose and put my forehead back with hers "Я люблю тебя намного больше, моя прекрасная принцесса (I love you so much more my beautiful princess)"

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