Aqua blue-tinted gazebo

Start from the beginning

When he reaches the raised platform, he let his fingers sweep over the dusty but cool surface until it reaches the key and lock necklaces rested on it. Lock and key. What a pair. When the lock loses its key... it will also lose its purpose and use. In order to open it up... you have to wreck it and after that... it will never be the same again.

Just like this couple... just like these star-crossed lovers.

Tian's eyes fall on the small black box placed behind Zi Hong's frame. Only he and Richard was the one who knows its existence. Tian stretches his hand and takes it. He slips it on the pocket of his jeans. Then he eyed the dusty key necklace.

He lifted it up and dusted it. After that, the silver shone like it was new. Like it was just waiting there for him to retrieve and be given to its rightful successor. So Tian envelopes it in his fist. He was done here. One more minute he might have fallen on the ground for how much trembling his old knees has to endure.

But before he leaves, he looks back on his two friends and sighs. "I may not be able to give you what you both need... but I'll be making sure to shed light on what's the truth. I know it might be too late... but I'll reserve the explanation when I finally meet you both again in the afterlife."

With that Tian starts to walk away. His tracks were not fast but also not slow. He will own up to all that he owed to these two. But he will pay them when the time comes. 

When the fresh air of the orchard greeted him, Tian felt like he was holding his breath all this time. He holds on to the door as he heaves a heavy sigh. He then slowly close the door as it should be.

He was about to pick up the chain to lock the place once again when he realized that when the truth comes to light... there is no use in locking this whole place up. So instead, Tian lets the gazebo stays like that and starts walking under the sunny day, necklace in hand and the black box in his pocket.

Unbeknownst to him the silent sway of the white veil inside, the eerie hollow ambiance emanates... as the huge mirror sees what has been and what will be.


Sam zips his luggage for the last time after making sure everything he needs is inside. It's kinda strange going out of the country like this. Usually before, during the time Heartbeat was still in need of funding and people, going abroad is just a piece of cake. Sam can pack a small bag and leave with nothing but one message to his parents.

But now... he realized how completely his outlook and priorities changed. From only thinking about Heartbeat to worrying about a boyfriend and the welfare of his old men. He wonders if he was a bad son for being so insensitive before. Now... he realized that he might have neglected what really matters as fear for the future consumes him into a shell of a man no one seems to understand.

With one last heavy sigh, he exited his room while rolling his luggage alongside him. One hand was carrying his suitcase containing his laptop and important files. When he reached the living room, his parents and uncles were all waiting for him.

He approached and kiss both his Baba and dad on the forehead and hug his uncles. "Yusuke will drop by in a few minutes to accompany all of you today once I leave for my flight. I hope you all know you owe my boyfriend a huge deal of worry and headache. So please, Dad... uncles... make him feel at home." Sam pleaded as he raised his hands in a sign of plea.

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