New Best Friends!!

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                       (Y/n's Pov)

TW: Injuries - Unnecessary Recalls - Blood - Crying (Normal at First and for long through the story before the TW starts)

Nutty dragged me to the candy shop, jumping up and down in excitement. To be honest, I'm not the most rich person in the world, but my Parents give me Money alot because they have good paying, working jobs. I'm not gonna go down in too much detail. We went into the candy shop, and I bought Nutty a bunch of Candy, he got all twitchy and jittery and pulled me into a tight hug "Hehehehehehe!!!! T-T-Thank you Y/n!!!" He cheered, but stuttered due to his constant twitching "No problem Nu-" Before I could Finish, he held my hand in his and we ran down the sidewalk, we were running so fast that we ended up bumping into someone, it was Sniffles. We all fell to the ground, Nutty just giggled while I helped the two back on their feet "I am so Sorry Sniffles!" I apologized "Oh! No need to apologize! It's totally fine." He said, reassuringly "Hey! Hey! Sniffles! You don't seem to be doing anything! Hehehehehehe!!! Wanna hang out with us?" Nutty asked, very jittery "Hmm, I just got done accidentally yet financially blowing up a science project for no special occasion, so...why not." He said while cleaning his glasses and coming by our side, we all agreed to go to Nutty's house since he claimed that he just cleaned up. I'm assuming that the mess he cleaned was just a bunch of Candy scattered on the floor, me and Sniffles giggled leaving Nutty confused, but he giggled too, dumbfounded. While we were walking, Sniffles grabbed my hand and held it in his, he must have been bored or something and decided to do tha- Oh wait...were crossing a road, it's good that Sniffles want to play it safe. I saw that he wasn't holding Nutty's hand though, guess that was because he was too jittery. Hehehe!!

Once we made it to Nutty's place, he burst open the door and put his Candy in the kitchen, while we waited for him to come back, me and Sniffles sat in the living room quietly, he then broke the silence "Soooo, How have it been being in a relationship with Flippy?" He asked "Oh, things have been fine, just fine! I just feel like he loses control sometimes and at some point, might become very clingy, ya know." I said honestly, he nodded. Nutty Ran into a back room somewhere, then coming out with Papers and Pencils "Let's Draw Together!!!" He cheered, Me and Sniffles looked at each other happily, and soon agreed. We sat on the floor, me and Sniffles side by side laying on the floor, and Nutty sitting up, drawing candy. Sniffles drew a picture of Confusing Science stuff I didn't understand, and I drew a picture of Flippy. Both Sniffles and Nutty leaned in watching me draw, eyes sparkling saying 'Oooo' or 'Aaah' from now and then, until I finally finished, smiling proud of myself. They both clapped "Your Art is Amazing! You are a true Artist Y/n, I must say!" Sniffles said while Nutty Nodded crazily, His Lazy Eye flopping around (Hehehe! Sorry If that's not what you call it) "T-Thank you guys so much! I never had anyone compliment me on my art before, usually cuz I don't draw much." I said "You should definitely draw more!!" Nutty said as Sniffles nodded in agreement, I began to blush "Awww Thanks Guys!" I replied. For the rest of the day, we talked, joked, watch movies together, and drew more art. It was now 5pm, and we had nothing else to do, until it snapped to me "Hey! Why don't we invite the others to a game of Truth or Dare!" I said letting my thoughts win the best of me "Hmmmm, that...doesn't sound like a bad idea! Let's do it!" Sniffles cheered, Nutty giggled, he ran to his phone and called everybody he invited-

Petunia, Giggles, Cuddles, Handy, Flaky, Flippy, Lifty and Shifty, Russell, and Splendid.

(I did not have to add so many people Lol!) Once they all got here, Lifty and Shifty immediately played they're eyes on me, looking me up and down "And who is this pretty lady~" Shifty asked cutely, Lifty then slides from behind him "Yeah, You Single Baby?~" he asked getting uncontrollably close, I backed up a bit, whimpering "NO, SHE'S NOT!" Flippy said, stepping in front of me and taking me to the living room where everyone else was 'Jeez, Lifty and Shifty need to chill, I was just trying to get a drink' I thought angrily, but what a relief, Flippy was there to protect me, why were those two even invited? We sat down in a circle and we all looked at Nutty to start the game, he Laughed "Okay! Okay! Hehehehe!! Splendid, Truth or Dare?" He asked "I would like to Choose Truth!" Splendid said confidently "Hmmmmm, Tell us, do you really have an Evil side?" Nutty asked, Splendid paused for a moment, he looked uncomfortable as if he didn't want to answer the question, but soon spoke "Yeah, Splendont...he is a rival and archenemy of me in my SSSSSuper Squad." He admitted, but we looked at him with admiration, he was dumbfounded "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" He asked, I soon spoke "Thank you for telling us the truth Splendid, you don't need to feel shameful, we will support you no matter what!" He then began to give a inspired smile, thanking us soon after. It was now Splendid's turn to choose "Let's seeeeeeeee, Giggles! Truth or Dare?" Splendid asked, I'm surprised to see that Splendid knows how to play this game "Dare! Dare! Give me Dare!" She cheered "I dare you to let Petunia spray her horrible Skunk scent on you and let the smell of your beautiful perfume rot! Hahahaha!!" Splendid said, Giggles made big sad puppy eyes that would make Splendid feel bad for all of eternity, but she soon got behind Petunia, and objected her to skunk her out. Petunia soon finished spraying Giggles, feeling heck of Guilty, until Giggles became too uncomfortable with her scent and bailed out of the game going home, we soon continued and chose Petunia to choose the next one "Poor Giggles! I mean, Flippy? Truth or Dare?" She asked, Giggles soon came Back out of nowhere saying that she was confident enough to stay "Uuuuuuh, You can just give me dare." He said kindly "Well, I dare you...TO KISS YOUR LOVER Y/N!!" She said, everyone gave out a huge 'Oooooooo', people like Lifty and Shifty, Sniffles, Russell, and Splendid were confused about it since they weren't there when Flippy Confessed to me during that 'Hide and Seek' game that turned out to almost be a 'Hide or Die' Game, like Sheeeeeeeeeesh. But Flippy soon crawled over to me, we both blushed, but he leaned in and kissed me passionately. We soon started making out in front of everyone, they were shocked, but Flaky, Petunia and Giggles watched with sparkles in their eyes 'Too many romance movies I bet' When then finished kissing and everyone Cheered, but Lifty and Shifty crossed their arms in jealousy "I loved that..." Petunia added "Same, Same..." Flippy replied. He sat back in his spot "Soooo, Nutty!? Truth or Dare?" Flippy asked "Dare!" Nutty replied "I dare you to stay away from my sweet Y/n and to never ask her for candy again or that dare will become a penalty where I bust your kneecaps, rip out your only working eye, and chop off your tongue where you could never feel the mouth watering taste of Candy ever again, I'd shove you into a hole of darkness and regret...she's mine..." He said with no mercy "FLIPPY!!" I yelled, he shook his head, snapping out of his manifested and Fliqpy looking trance "Wooaaaaah...." Russell said, Obviously freaked out "I...I..." Flippy tried to speak, but Cuddles spoke first "Look like Someone is JEALOUS BRU!! And second, Nutty can see out of his Lazy eye, just not as good as the other one, THANK YOU VERY MUCH." He said. Nutty couldn't move or speak, he was too shocked from what happened a minute ago, Flippy apologized and we continued the game for a bit "H-Handy? Truth or Dare?" Flaky asked "Just Dare me..." he replied "I dare you to....Pick up an Object with the Hands you don't have..." She dared, he looked in utter shock, he then growled in anger as Flaky apologized "DAAAANG FLAKY!! YOUR A FREAKING SAVAGE!!!" Splendid Claimed while Flaky chuckled nervously, Handy attempted to pick up a cup, but he only grabbed it for a second, but soon dropped it, leaving it to crash to the floor "NOOO!!!" he cried out, but Nutty soon came to pat him on the back, assuring him that it was okay.

After a good game of truth or dare, we all decided to call it a day, I said goodbye to Nutty and went on my way home. On the middle of the sidewalk, I felt an arm on my shoulder, I jumped a bit and turned around just to see Shifty and Lifty "Oh, Hi Shifty. Hi Lifty." I said kindly but they soon Pinned me to a wall, I then squealed "Heya Cutie...your so Cute when your scared." Shifty said squeezing my cheek, making me whimper "Don't worry sweetheart, we don't bite.~" Lifty claimed, I began to tear up "G-Get away from me!" I said trying to push Shifty away, but it was no use "Awww Come On Princess. You know you love me.~" He said, I tried finding many ways to escape, but there was only one way, I kicked him, uuuuuuh...There...He fell to the ground, whimpering as loud as a vacuum Cleaner could generate. Lifty soon growled and scratched my face, I screamed. Shifty then stood up immediately as if he was never kicked...There...and rushed up to me, I was covering my face, Crying "Hey, Let me see..." He said, gently gripping my hands and pulling them down, my E/c eyes sparkling from the moonlight, tears flowing down. One eye was scratched and Bleeding, the other was normal. Shifty looked at Lifty Furious "Okay, so what if she kicked me...There...THAT DOESN'T MEAN DEFEND ME BY HURTING A GIRL!! THAT'S ABUSE DUDE!! WE WANT HER LOOKING UNINJURED AND OKAY, DUH!! WHAT IF FLIPPY FINDS OUT!!!??" He shouted "BUT....But...." Lifty had nothing to say, how could he possibly object against that? I'm injured, Flippy will find out "Come on..." Shifty said, Picking me up Bridal style, I kicked and screamed as they ran up to their van. Right when they were gonna put me in....


Someone had Knocked out Lifty and Shifty, I saw that it was Nutty and Sniffles, My New Best Friends!! They came to save me "Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, I knew that Lifty and Shifty were up to no good!" Sniffles Claimed as Nutty danced on top of Shifty crazily, Sniffles then helped me out the van, he then pulled me into a hug, Nutty joined "Don't worry Y/n, we won't let them bother you anymore. He said, Flippy then came up and Hugged me "Thank goodness your okay!!  I would've killed them from the start, but I don't want Fliqpy coming out cuz he be a savage sometimes. Thanks Nutty and Sniffles, for saving her." He said, Nutty and Sniffles nodded and walked off, Me and Flippy walked off a separate direction from them until we came to a stop "Y/n....I'm happy that Nutty and Sniffles saved you...but I want you to stay away from them, okay?" He asked "W-What? Why!? They're my new best friends!!" I protested "I know....but I want your attention, I don't want them taking it away from me!" He said, I looked at him in shame and disbelief. How could he say something like this, it was getting dark, this impression and interference was at such a terrible time "If that's the Case, then your Greedy!! Your Selfish!! Your Clingy, Overprotective, and Claim me too much!! Too much Greedy and Selfishness!!" I claimed, he then grabbed my arm tightly "Shut Up! SHUT up! Shut UP!! SHUT UP!!! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYONE!!! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!" he yelled, I then began to cry "S-Stop yelling at me! I had enough! Please!" He then softened his look, and his grip on my arm became lighter "Baby, I'm sorry...I lost control for a minute...I love you..." He apologized, I wiped my tears away and smiled sweetly "I l-love you too!" I said. He held my hand and we walked off. But right when we were crossing the street, we saw Lumpy driving a truck again, and it was heading right towards us.

Me and Flippy Screamed

My Scream (I sound almost not all that scared to be honest TwT)

Flippy's Scream (Also known as Pop's Scream too, But I think Fliqpy uses it most) sorry If the links don't work guys.

'Will We Survive!?'

A/N: Stay Tuned Guys! Will Flippy and Y/n Survive, or will this be the end of the story....

"I'll Be Your Flips..." ~Flippy x Female Reader~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz