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TW: Blood - Injuries - Tears

(Y/n's Pov)

(Death_herself Requested to be best friends with Cuddles!)
(And -Frooty_Pebble- Requested to be best friends with Giggles!)

Shout out to the Both of them!! 🤩❤

Me, Giggles, and Cuddles were in the Car, Driving to what they call, Toothy's House. It was my first time being in Happy Tree Town, so they wanted to introduce me to all of their friends. Giggles and Cuddles says that all of them are happy and polite, but I don't quite know what they'll think of me "Cuddles? Are you sure you and Giggles' friends will like me?" I asked nervously, fiddling with my fingers "Y/n, this is the 5th time your asking me this. Of course they'll like you! Love you even! You'll see!" He said confidently, putting his focus back on the road "Yeah! Don't be nervous, I'm sure things will go well!" Giggles said from the back seat. 'I sure hope so' I thought to myself as Cuddles continued driving. I mean, I know these friends belong to Cuddles and Giggles, and they know them better than me, but I'm still really nervous.

We Parked in Front of the house, I personally thought that the house was Beautiful, It was a beautiful color, I must say. I held tightly onto Cuddles' Arm Nervously, I was a bit shy, but he understood that "Don't Worry, it'll be okay!" He said patting my head, I nodded as we got out the car, we saw that everyone was outside in front of the house "Heeey! Long time no see Cuddles! Sup Giggles! Who that?" A purple beaver said looking at Cuddles, Giggles, then Me "Oh, Hi! I'm Y/n! It's nice to meet you." I introduced while extending my hand out to him, he happily shook it "Nice to Meet you too! I'm Toothy! A close Friend of Cuddles and Giggles, You may become a close friend too, maybe too close..." Be purred, flirting at the end. Cuddles punched his arm as Toothy let out a 'Ow' in pain "Anyway...Go meet the others! Giggles will be right next to ya!" He said, Wasn't he the one who drove us here!? Crap you Cuddles! (No Just Kidding, Just Kidding! Ignore the 'Crap you Cuddles' part if you want, idk why I put that there😂) I introduced myself to everyone, one of them tried shaking my hand, but didn't have any hands to do so. He got so mad, I felt bad for him, but in a distance, I saw a green bear sitting boringly on a sidewalk. Why is he waay over there when were waay over here across the road? "Giggles? Who is he?" I tapped her shoulder, pointing at the green bear, she looked in shock "That's Flippy. He's been in a War that gave him PTSD. He didn't get invited due to any loud noises making him Flip out to a whole other personality, he wasn't invited to this party because of that. We don't want him hurting anyone..." She explained 'So you just fenna do him like that just because!? Poor thing' I thought sadly. I dont know what he been through, but not inviting him is just brutal and sad, I bet you he can't control it and that's just forcing a person out of a party because of something they have no control of leaving them to have nothing to do. What is he suppose to do, magically get rid of it!? He looked so sad and lonely over there, I didn't want him to just sit there for the whole party. I thought it was time for me to do something about it "I'm gonna talk to him!" I cheered "W-Wait! Don't-" I ran off before Giggles could finish, I've already ran across the street and towards Flippy's direction. Right when I was gonna reach him, I stopped to the sound of a Truck horn. I turned my head to see a wild Truck driver, it was a blue moose who looked a bit googly eyed, he didn't stop the truck and I had no time to move out the way. Right when I thought I was going to meet my fate, someone pushed me out the way as the truck flew by but soon came to a stop. I then slowly opened my eyes to see that I was alive and well, I looked up just to be face to face with Flippy, I was on the ground while he was on top of me, hands holding up his weight. He looked down at me and began blushing, I started blushing as well at the sight, his eyes were so pretty. He got off of me and stood up, extending a hand out to me, I grabbed it and stood up as well from the help of Flippy's hand support "Well, this is a unique and heroic way of meeting..." He said scratching the back of his head "Y-Yeah. Sorry If I got in your way." I claimed shamefully while backing away a bit "No, No. It's okay! You didn't get in my way at all. I enjoyed helping you out!" He said happily, I smiled and came a bit closer "So..Your Flippy?" I asked "Yeah, I'm Flippy." He said with a serious face and saluting 'Did he think I was hiring him for something when saying that?' "Well Flippy, I like you! I saw you sitting alone over there and wanted to make you feel better by talking to you." I claimed honestly, he then blushed "Awwww, You shouldn't have!" He stopped for a moment, but continued losing his smile "I actually have friends, but they stay away from me sometimes, afraid of when I'll flip out. That's why I wasn't invited to the party...I'll just go n-" He was cut off by me grabbing his arm, he turned my direction "Please...I want you to come." I was desperately pleading for him to be there "B-But the others!" He whimpered "I know...but I can't stand seeing you like this! I know we just met and all, but if your with me, I'm sure everything will go fine...I promise." I have to keep this promise, Flippy was so sad and alone, why would I let him go back to sitting by himself on the sidewalk with nobody to be with and nobody to talk to? Whoever planned this party obviously didn't want Flippy around, but I'm to caring to leave anyone out of the fun, Flippy will mean no harm if I bring him along, he seems to be kind and affectionate at the moment, so why not? I grabbed Flippy's hand and walked across the street back to the party, I felt my hand was wet a bit, I then jolted my head at Flippy, he was sweating a mess, so I'm guessing that his hand was sweating too...I then saw that guy who almost ran me over walking to the party. 'Oh, so the irresponsible driver gets to come to the party and not Flippy? What the Heck!' It frustrated me so much to see that they would let a person, that almost hit me, come to the party and not this kind Bear who only burst out during loud noises...All they have to do is not be loud! I began to growl in anger, luckily Flippy didn't notice. I then felt more sweat on my hand, I turned my head to him again and this time, he knew that I noticed it "Are you okay?" I asked softly "Y-Yeah! Hehe, sorry. I sweat alot when I'm nervous!" He apologized "It will be fine, just be sure to stay next to me for the whole time, okay?" I asked, he nodded. Once we made it to the party, everyone froze and stared. A bear with an Afro dropped his drink while a green twitching squirrel stopped twitching and dropped the candy he had in his hand "Don't worry guys, just continue what your doing. No need to stare..." I said as they all started moving and proceeded to continue what they were all doing. I sat down in a chair and Flippy sat next to me, Cuddles and Toothy then sat at the other side of me "Y/n!! Why would you bring him here! Do you know how psycho he is?!" Cuddles scream whispered "Yeah, I do. But he looked so sad and alone, it was rude to just leave him out because of something he can't control." I whispered back "We threw this party for you being here and how much we appreciate you, but that doesn't mean bring a crazy person here." Cuddles continued "Did you not hear what I just said? *Sighs* Okay, I get it. But he can't control his PTSD, and I will help him keep calm, all you guys have to do is just not be loud...is that not simple?" I complained "Y/N! IT'S A FREAKING PARTY!" Cuddles yelled, Flippy then turned his head our direction, same for Toothy "IT'S A PARTY! PARTIES ARE LOUD!! ARE YOU STUPID!?" He continued "C-Cuddles. I'm sorry, I-" "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANY EXCUSES!! YOU NEED TO SHUT UP!!" He wouldn't stop yelling, he just kept going. Tears began to become more visible in my eyes, I don't like being yelled at, especially in public where everyone could see...and by my own Best Friend "YOUR HERE FOR A REASON B-" "Cuddles!! Shut Up!!" Giggles said, noticing that I'm about to cry. I stood up and ran away, I heard Cuddles call my name from behind me, but I ignored.

"I'll Be Your Flips..." ~Flippy x Female Reader~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt