Worried- Kol Mikaelson x Daughter!Reader

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"Dude, are you sure your dad won't mind?" Lulu said from beside you.

"Ya. I mean mom's on some witchy retreat and Dad's losing his mind without her, so I just told him I'm hanging with a couple friends." Lulu gave me a nervous stare.

"Don't worry about it, ok. What's wrong? You think he's going to find out and then eat you?" She gives me a death stare as she rolls her eyes.

"Bro. You aren't human here." I just laugh and nudge her shoulder.

"It's going to be ok. Alright?" Lulu just nods her head, "Now let's get to this party!"

Walking into the house I'm met with the overwhelming smell of weed and B.O. My eyes graze over the crowd of people in the living room dancing. Well, if you want to call it dancing, as it looks more like a bunch of pubescent teens groping each other.

"Hey guys!!!" I turn around to see Lulu's girlfriend Molly. Her short black hair, and clothes are messed up, which I can guess is from the dancing she's been doing all night. The party invite originally came from Molly. Lulu is the type to rather stay in and talk about the long term effects of teenage drinking, while her girlfriend is the type to be the one drinking. How they found each other is still a surprise and mystery to me. But I've never met a couple more made for each other. Other than my parents. Or Aunt Hayley and Uncle Elijah. Or Aunt Beks and Uncle Mar. Ok, and QAunt Keelin and Aunt Freya.

"Took you guys long enough to get here!," I can smell the alcohol on Molly's breath as she yells in our faces. "Come on, let's go get drinks!" Molly quickly grabs our hands and starts dragging us but I pull back.

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to go find Y/BF/N!" Molly just gives me a drunken thumbs up with her empty hand and a big smile. While Lulu mouths, "be careful." Which I just return with a smirk. When am I ever not careful? I stood there a moment thinking and realized why she would get worried. I just shrug my shoulders to myself as I push past the kids around me trying to find my boyfriend.

"Y/N!" A voice sounds over the loud music behind me and I turn to see Y/BF/N. A large smile comes onto my face as I walk over to him. As I get to him he opens his arms and welcomes me into a large embrace.

"I didn't think you were going to show." He says as he lets me out of his arms and moves his hands down to the sides of waist.

"Well the way Lulu kept looking at me, I didn't think I'd end up making it either." I slightly laugh as I look over and see Molly dragging Lu to the dance floor, and I quite literally mean dragging. Lu looks like she'd rather be staked in the heart than be here. But we both know that as much as she hates parties, she loves Molly more.

"And what about your dad? Is he ok with this?" I just roll my eyes at the fact that even though he doesn't know what my dad truly is he's still terrified of him.

"Yes, he's fine with it." I told him. I'm about to ask him if he wants to grab a drink but seeing the way the smile on his face drops when he looks behind me, I quickly turn around to meet the dark brown of my father's. And instantly my heart drops in my chest.

"No he's not fine with it." My dad says as he gives a death stare to Y/BF/N. I turn to see Y/BF/N practically shitting bricks. His hands were long gone from my waist.

"Um, hello Mr. Mikaelson. My names Y/BF/N. Y/N has told me a lot about you." My dad;s eyes trail up and down his body and I can practically see the smoke coming from his ears.

"Well isn't that funny? Because I haven't heard anything about you." I go to interject but he stops me with a glare.

"Y/N, we're leaving. Let's go." I wanted to refuse but by the way people are starting to stare. I think it'd be a better idea to get the pissed off Original away from a crowded room of people. I quickly apologize to Y/BF/N and follow my dad out the door.

As soon as we get to the end of the driveway I turn to my dad.

"What the hell was that dad?" I yell. My dad looks at me with an incredulous look.

"Are you kidding me, Y/N? First I find you missing from your friend's house and then Rebakah tells me that she helped you do your hair for some party! So I find a party full of drunk teenages and find some hooligan grabbing my daughter!"

"That hooligan dad was my boyfriend! And you practically just scared the living shit out of him back there. And not even mentioning how embarrassing it is for my dad to come and pick me up from a party surrounded by all my friends!"

My dad just rolls his eyes as he walks to the driver's side of the car.

"Get in."

I just scoff as I start walking away.

"Where are you going Y/N?" My dad yells from behind me.

"I'll walk home." I hear the car door slam and wait for the car to start but am surprised when my father appears in front of me.

"So you'll walk home in the dark. Where you could possibly get eaten. But, you won't get in the car with your father?"

"Yes," I walk around him and continue walking, "and also I'm a witch I can protect myself."

I continue walking and don't hear my father until I hear a huff and footsteps.

"Well, if you're walking then so am I."I just ignore him and keep walking.

Fifteen or so minutes have passed since we started walking and I haven't said anything to my dad. Which I can tell is getting to him. I may be the daughter but he's the child in this family. And when a child is ignored, they get bratty.

I watch as my dad picks up the stick in front of him and turns to me. I narrow my eyes as he points the stick at me.

"Listen here girly, I'm going to give you two choices. Either you answer me or I'll use the stick." I just roll my eyes at his behavior and keep walking.

I start to walk a few feet when I feel something hit my calf. I whip around and see my dad looking up to the sky with a sly smirk on his face. The stick is being held behind his back. I just shake my head and keep walking.

Maybe 20 seconds go by before I feel the stick poke itself on my back. The only difference when I turned around this time was that my father wasn't hiding the fact that he was the one poking me. I looked me dead and in the eyes and took the stick and placed it only on my head. I just stare at him, I'm not going to give him the benefit of knowing he can make me laugh.

I just keep walking, which I notice gives my dad even more motivation to get me to break.

"Do you want to hear about the time your Uncle Nik got his ass kicked by a bunch of teenagers?" I just sigh and keep walking.

"Or how about the time your dad embarrassed his daughter in front of all her friends and pissed her off?" I just sigh.

"Ya I think I've heard that one before." I say as I stop.

"Did you hear the part where your dad was really sorry and only did it because he was scared when he couldn't find his daughter. And the thought that the person he loves the most in the entire world might be in danger makes him feel like he's being daggered all over again."

I turn to my dad to see him staring at me. I look at him sadly before wrapping my hands around him in a hug.

"I'm sorry dad."

I feel his arms wrap around me tighter and he presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm sorry too, kid. I may be a thousand years old. But this parenting thing might be the hardest thing I've ever done."

"I'm sorry Dad, for not telling you. I didn't realize you would be so scared. I'm sorry that you have to worry about me." My dad's eyebrows furrow as he looks at me.

"Hey, don't ever apologize for that. I'm your dad, it's my job to worry about you. And I wouldn't change that for the world. I love being your dad. And I love you." I hugged him again.

"I love you too dad. And if you wanted to, I'd really like to hear that story about Uncle Nik getting his ass kicked."

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