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Sadie’s POV
I cast a quick non verbal spell causing him to fall down on his arse as I walk towards him, this time my towel wrapped tightly around me. “Your room?”, I ask glaring at him. “Yes my room”, he says glaring right back at me. “Pansy told me no one used this room”, I say confused.

“Pansy, I should have known”, he mutters too low for a mere human to hear. “Pansy”, he screams. “Uh, yeah?”, my youngest sister says as she enters the room with Marina. “Pansy? How could you, you little brat. I will kill you”, I shout horrified. “Sorry”, she says.  “Okay okay now I guess we should leave the girl to change alone. Unless you want to stay Malfoy?”, Marina says with a somewhat amused smirk as both the blond and I scream ‘No’ at once.

She drags the two outside as I flick my wand to lock the door. I almost fall on the bed as I drop my towel. I stare at the green wall as I recall the whole morning. First the totally cryptic dream then this. It definitely couldn’t get any better I think sarcastically. I quickly change into my school robes as I hear a slight knock on the door.

I open the door as Marina breezes in with Blondie by her side. “Let’s go, we have classes”, she says grabbing me and pulling me into our room. “I need to do my hair”, I whine looking at my hair. Suddenly Marina raises her wand and mutters a spell. I turn to look in the mirror and see my hair braided nicely.

“Sorry”, is all Pansy manages to say as Marina pulls us to the Defence Against the Dark Arts which was located off of the Serpentine Corridor on the third-floor. We three stumble inside as I see who the teacher is. Severus.

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