18. Release The Killers

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release the killers »)


"YOU DON'T HAVE to do this" I said to my mom.

"Yes I do" She replied. She kissed my head and then climb over the counter.

"Mount up" Deena said.

"What?" Kate asked. Deena climb over counter, then Josh, then Martin, then Kate, then me, and lastly Simon.

I really hope that this will work and we cure Sam. Cause if we don't, Deena might as well kiss her own life goodbye, because Sam will do all she can to kill her, and we all know that Deena won't stop until Sam is cured and back to her normal self.

-,'____________________ ',-

We heard the jingle bells, jingle again, and this time we were absolutely positive that it was the sheriff this time. My mom was standing in front of the hanging tree, and when Nick walked closer, he realized it that is was her. C. Berman. Or as he knows her as, Ziggy Berman. He walked closer to her, until they were nearly a foot away.

"Ziggy" The sheriff said to her.

"Nick" She replied.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Oh trust me, you'll see why in a second bitch!

"Tag. You're it" My mom answered.

She pulled a rope that was connected to the mixture that we made before, the blood, bleach, and neon paint. It poured all over Nick, and my mom backed away so it didn't get on her. The rest of us pulled the other ropes and opened all the gates that the killers were in to let them out. My mom started running, but Nick ran after her and caught her. NO!!! My blood's gonna be all over her too now.

"Y/N!!! Get them away from me!" He yelled, pointed his gun at the killers while my mom was screaming trying to get out of his grip. "If I die, your beloved mother dies"

"Get away! Get back!" He told the killers like they were gonna listen to him. He should know that they won't listen to him, he created two of them.

"AAAHH" He yelled after getting stabbed in his back by Skull Mask and letting my mom go. Well I guess that's pay back for creating him. My mom screams and runs away, but not fast enough because just then, the Milkman caught her and licked her face. Gross!

"You're blood is on her! It's on Ziggy" Nick yelled, sounding concerned, but it was probably just all an act.

"Oh my..." Josh said. The Skull Mask killer was trying to stab Nick, but sadly, he was strong enough to defend it. Milkman threw my mom to the ground, and brought out his knife. This is even worse for my mom because he's the one who killed her in 1978.

"NO!" My mom screamed trying to get him off of her, I didn't know what to do. But then I remembered that the killers want my blood.

I grabbed the knife that was on the floor, and I re-cut open the cut that I sliced before. All the killers stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Grifter and NightWing stopped walking, Milkman got off my mom, and Skull Mask got off of Nick. Nick got up and ran out of a door.

"GO! GO! WE GOT HIM" Josh yelled to me. I ran, and Skull Mask almost got me but Martin hit him with a chair and he fell down. My mom and my friends all ran into a store, except for Simon, he was right near me.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God! No, no, no!" Martin exclaimed as he ran into the store with the others.

"You have to go with them" I said to Simon.

"What? No way! I'm not leaving you" He said with worry in his voice and eyes.

"I'll be alright, I promise" I reassured.

"It's my shirt, it's covered in her blood" I heard my mom said.

"GO! WE'LL HANDLE THEM" Josh yelled to me.

"Please, Simon" I said.

"Be careful" He said and I kissed his lips.

"I love you so fucking much" I said. We never actually said that to each other yet, but we both knew that we truly did.

"I love you so much more" He said. And with that, he ran into the store with everyone else. Josh shut the gate, and I ran through the doors that Goode went threw. He's not gonna escape that easily.

I'm not sure if they said 'I love you' in the first book, but if they did, then this is their second time saying to each other, not their first.

~ DoDo ❤️‍🩹 7/31/2021

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