15. This Is Reality

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this is reality »)

ME, JOSH, AND Martin are all in a store right now. Me and Josh were playing with water guns, and pretending to shoot each other until Martin pressed a button on something that made fart noises in Josh's ear. I thought it was kind of funny, but Josh did not.

"Seriously" Josh said to Martin.

"Look at this dumbass thing. It's bigger than a tape deck" Martin said. What is a tape deck? "If you wanna carry more than one album, you gotta carry all that too. It skips if you breathe on it"

"Then listen to the radio, dude. We have a situation here" Josh said.

"Yeah, about that, Urkle. Um...what's really going on here" Martin replied.

"Aaaand time to explain" I said to Josh.

"OK. OK, OK. Ok!" Martin said when brought him over to Sam and he saw her. "C-cool there's a half possessed, tied up, white girl"

"I need you to stay calm, alright? I promise we got this all under control" Simon reassured him.

"Ok" He replied.

"She's one of them now but we're gonna save her. We're gonna kill Sheriff Goode and save ShadySide" Josh said, and all Martin said was...


"Hey Martin, I just gotta ask. Are you ok?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Oh haha, very funny" He sarcastically replied. "Any tips for fighting these things?"

"Yeah" Josh said. "Try not to die"

Deena and I saw my mom standing at the hanging tree. We walked over to her, and she gasped lightly.

"This is it" Deena said.

"Yep" My mom replied and then walked away. Me and Deena stood there, and I had images of Sarah Fier being hanged.


MARTIN GRABBED SOMETHING out of the back of the police car, then shut the door, and put the bag on the top of the hood.

"What's that" Josh asked when he and Kate got over to Martin.

"Never seen a goody bad? All cops got 'em, for emergencies. This one's Sheriff Goode's. Full of useful stuff. There was this one ti-" Martin pause when he grabbed the spray can out of the bag, and he had a flashback from a month ago.

"I'll tell you again. Somebody planted that. Those ain't my cans" Martin said in a police cell.

"You're right, Martin. These...are actually my cans" Sheriff Goode said.

"Son of a bitch" Martin realized that it was the sheriff who sprayed the witches rhyme with spray paint all over the mall.

DEENA WAS FIXING a bunch of bottle on the floor and then sprayed one all over her, while Y/n and Simon were reading a newspaper together.

"Y/n?" Josh walked in. Deena put the bottle down and Simon and her looked up. And Y/n stood up and walked over to him. "I wanted to see if you wanted one of these, uh...headlamps. I know it looks pretty dumb but..."

"It's perfect, I wore it last time, remember" Y/n replied and took the headlamp. Josh turned around and walked away a little but then he turned back around and said something.

"Up ,up...down, down. Left, right, left, right, B, A, start"

"What?" Y/n asked him.

"It's the Konami Code. It's what you need. It's what we all need"

"I have no idea wh—"

"It's the ultimate secret code. 'Super Contra, Castlevania, Teenage Mutant'..." Josh cut Y/n off and started naming movies.

"It's a code for extra lives. When things get bad at school or whatever, it's...it's what I think about, and it helps me... I don't know, to survive" He admitted and Y/n hugged him.

"You are the biggest nerd" Y/n said.

"You're the one who was just reading newspapers for fun" Josh said back, and they broke away from the hug.

"I can't believe this is reality" Deena said.

"I know, I wish this was already over" Simon said.

"Me too" Y/n agreed and Josh nodded his head.

Hiiiii, sorry I only posted one episode yesterday, I wasn't home from 5:35pm to 9:00pm, I went somewhere with a bunch of my friends. I'm also going to camp on Sunday so if I don't finish the story before then, I won't be posting for awhile, just wanted to let you guys know.

~ DoDo ❤️‍🩹 7/29/2021

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