At age twenty-eight, Kim Dokja was once again ogling his phone on his too-small bed. He was reading the epilogue of his favorite webnovel.

And then it ended. Just like that. He stared at his phone's screen blankly. That's it? It felt like a cliffhanger. After all, Yoo Jonghyuk, the hero, was supposed to slay the demon king. So why was there no epic fight scene between the hero and his nemesis? Why? Kim Dokja even attempted to refresh his page multiple times, however nothing happened. Nothing, Nada. Wow. As the self-proclaimed greatest fan of this series, Kim Dokja was not content with it's ending. As he fell asleep, he made a wish. He desired to see the ending of his favorite webnovel.

For the first time ever, the gods had granted one of his wishes. However, Kim Dokja would have never guessed his wish would have been granted this way.


The next morning, as Kim Dokja woke up he couldn't help but notice how big the bed he was laying was and how soft the silky blankets were. He really really wanted to go back to sleep on this heavenly bed...

Wait-Since when did he have a big bed? His pulse picked up abruptly, his anxiety kicked in and his brain then started to work at a hundred kilometres an hour. Did he just get kidnapped?

After panicking for a few minutes, Kim Dokja finally manages to calm down and starts thinking about the situation he finds himself in from a rational standpoint.

One: He wasn't tied up.

Two: Clean clothes were left at his bedside

Three: He was alone

Four: It was dead quiet

Five: He was most certainly late for work, (judging by how high the sun was in the sky, it was probably midday)

Seven: He was happy to have a good excuse to take a day off work. (Well, Kim Dokja assumed that being kidnapped was a good enough excuse).

He spend the rest of the afternoon lazing on this AMAZING bed rereading some of the chapters of Three Ways To Kill A Demon King that he treasured the most, while waiting for his kidnapper (and yes he had the internet, don't ask any questions, dear reader), however all the people he'd tried to contact had not responded to his calls.

To Kim Dokja's surprise, it was already nightfall and his abductor never showed up.

Brimming with curiosity, Kim Dokja, decided to go investigate this new environnement he found himself in. Well, after he changed his attire.

Once changed, he went to investigate the location he now found himself in. After he'd finished exploring all the rooms available to him, he concluded that there were four rooms he could access. The first, the bedroom he found himself in. Second, a dining room, at the center of the room was an immense table (filled to the brim with exotic-looking food ). Third, a washroom with no running water (Kim Dokja realized with disgust) and finally, a throne room (which was mostly empty, apart from the imposing black throne square in the center-that oddly reassembled the Iron Throne, the huge mirror facing it and the the huge door on the throne's right that was impossible to open no mather hard he tried .)

Kim Dokja hereby concluded that he was in no real danger.

Listless, he thought of continuing the activity he was doing previously. So he did. He didn't feel like lazing in bed once more, so he decided to install himself comfortably on the throne before.

When he did, a game-like blue screen had materialised before him.


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