"Torres, we have a route change," she said. 

Torres glanced back at her from a pilot's seat with uncertainty. "Oh, okay. Where to?"

Ellie looked to Bucky for the location. 

"Baltimore, Maryland." 


Sam rushed down the brick steps of Isaiah's house. Bucky and Ellie followed close behind, not exactly pleased with the interaction they had inside, but what did they expect? Ellie huffed as they reached the bottom step and vapor clouded around her. 

"Sam-" Bucky began. 

"Why didn't you tell me about Isaiah?" Sam questioned.

This argument was about to feel very similar to the one they had back at the Air Force base at the beginning of the day. Or was it yesterday? None of them really knew what day it was. 

"How could nobody bring him up?" Sam demanded, turning around to face Bucky and Ellie. Neither of them answered and they continued to walk down the neighborhood street. "I asked you a question, Bucky." Sam pressed. 

"I know," Bucky responded. 

"Steve didn't know about him?" Sam asked. 

"He didn't. I didn't tell him," Bucky answered. 

"But Ellie knew." Sam gestured to her. 

"Of course, I did, Sam," Ellie said and she gave a pitiful laugh. "Why do you think I was brought out of the ice shortly after? It was the first time the Winter Soldier had failed a mission, they didn't spare me the details of that interaction." 

"And you didn't think to tell me either?" Sam practically roared. "So you're telling me, that there was a black Super Soldier decades ago, and nobody knew about it?" 

Before Bucky or Ellie could answer- what could they have said anyways, Sam hit the hammer on the nail- the whoop of a police siren made itself known. The car parked in the street and two officers stepped out of the vehicle. 

"Hey!" An officer greeted- if you could call that a greeting. They seemed peeved by the three's presence on the street. 

"What's up, man?" Sam responded. 

"Is there a problem here?" The second officer asked. 

"No, we're just talking," Sam gestured to Ellie and Bucky. He sounded just as peeved at the officers' presence. 

"We're fine," Bucky added. 

The officers barely acknowledged Bucky and Ellie as they focused their attention on Sam. 

"Can I see your ID?" An officer asked. 

Ellie chewed her inner lip. 

"I don't have ID, why?" Sam said. 

"Man, seriously?" Bucky muttered. 

The officer held his hand up to dissuade Sam. "Sir, could you calm down?" 

"Officers, this really isn't necessary-" Ellie began. 

"I am calm. What do you want? We're just standing here talking." Sam snapped. 

"Sam, just give him your ID so we can-" Ellie was once again interrupted. 

"No! I'm not giving him shit, we're just talking," Sam refused. 

The officer stepped forward and attempted to dissuade Sam again. "Hey, hey." He looked at Ellie. "Is this guy bothering you, ma'am?"

"What?" Ellie gave a look of disbelief. 

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