"Like I'm ever going to believe you, you don't deserve to carry on the way you are," Tony spits, his anger radiating through him with every passing second.

"Tony, stop. Why can't you just believe him, I get it, he killed your parents. But that was years ago, and it's not like it was really his fault. You didn't even like your dad all that much," Steve rumbles, moving to stand protectively in front of Bucky.

Tony's eyes turn venomous as he looks at Steve, a hysterical laugh falling from his lips before he has the chance to stop it.

He would do anything for a drink right now, to punch the Captain and the Soldier in the face before leaving.

"See that's where you're wrong Rogers. Sure, my dad was a prick, but that doesn't mean I wanted him dead. And I certainly didn't want my mother killed, it could have been when I was a kid that they were killed, and I would have still acted the fucking same. So no, I will not believe him, not after everything he's done."

Steve rolls his eyes, not understanding why Tony can't just except that what's happened has
happened, and that Bucky is in fact innocent.

"Stark, stop being so ridiculous and self-centred," Steve quips, irritation building within him.

Tony scoffs harshly, "I'll tell you what's ridiculous, that he had to blow up the fucking UN, killing the king of Wakanda, and none of you signing the accords. You understand you're all war criminals if you don't sign it. It's not that big a deal, and yet all you keep doing is causing problems."

"You know as well as I do that those accords are stupid, they're there to put a leash on us and control our every move. I won't let that happen," Steve replies in anger.

Bucky was stood behind Steve, his mind whirling with all kinds of thoughts, thoughts of who set him up, what it would mean if he got the others to sign the accords.

How this would end, somehow he knew it wouldn't end very well.

Tony rolls his eyes and looks back to Bucky, his anger flaring all over again.

"You killed them," Tony mumbles, his brain short-circuiting as he remembers the night he got the call telling him his parents had died in a car accident.

But it wasn't a car accident, they were murdered.

And their murderer was right in front of him.

Steve took a step closer to Tony, shaking his head lightly as he was about to defend his friend once again.

Bucky wanted to say something, he wanted to defend himself and say it wasn't him and yet, he could remember that night. That night when he was The Winter Soldier and he had been tasked with the mission of killing Howard and Maria Stark, and once he had done it he had felt nothing.

No remorse, no sadness, or guilt. But now he could feel it all, and he wished he could go back to the start of being The Winter Soldier and fight it.

Before Steve could utter another word, the iron man helmet is falling back over Tony's face and his fist is colliding with the Captain.

Steve is sent stumbling back as Tony rushes towards Bucky, his anger for the soldier blinding him.

Tony's fist hurtles towards Bucky, but he's able to stop it by catching it with his metal arm, instinct takes over as he begins to squeeze down on the metal encased hand.

Tony growls under his breath as he pulls his hand back hard as he can, making the soldier be thrown through the air.

A shield flew towards him, hitting his face and sending him falling backwards as Steve rushes to
Bucky's side.

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