Late Night Talk

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4:25 AM was the time that read on my clock. I couldn't seem to sleep from all the stress from my mother. I rolled out from bed from my warm covers, rubbed my eyes and went to see, if by any chance, that anyone else was awake. It was still dark out so I took my phone and put on the flashlight

I opened my door quietly and slowly, as to not wake Frisky, Tabby or Danny up. Ever since the restaurant, dads had Frisky sleep opposite my room and Tabby sleep opposite Danny's room. I tiptoed towards Danny's room and carefully opened his door only to see him resting peacefully in his bright blue anchor duvet covers. A smile grazed my lips as I closed his door with a soft click. I didn't bother checking Frisky or Tabby's rooms as they wouldn't be too happy about being woken up so early

I made my way to the next set of bedrooms across the hall and heard dad and Jed snoring ever so slightly. I was about to walk off downstairs when I heard someone shifting around the covers. Walking like I was stepping on eggshells I walked towards Jonathan's door and carefully opened his door, being greeted by his shinning eyes

"Hello..." he whispered. Smiling gently, I closed the door quickly yet quietly

"Hi..." I whispered back. We looked at each other for about 5 minutes in complete silence, communicating through our eyes. It was a peaceful atmosphere until he broke the silence

"How comes you're awake so early?" He asked. His brows furrowed concern slightly while he adjusted his pillow behind his back

"Oh, I've just been slightly stressed out by my mum. I'm living here now instead of going back which... you know, at least I can see more of dad and Danny" I told him. I took a seat by the bottom of his legs, near the edge of the bed. "How comes you're awake so early?"

"I haven't actually gotten to sleep yet. As you may or may not be able to tell, I'm still in pain but it's more bearable then it was a couple days ago. " he explained. He took a deep breath and moved his shoulders slightly

"Thank you again... for saving me and Danny. Dad and I will forever be grateful for what you did for us. That night, I thought I'd never see my family or friends again. So thank you" I said with a smile. Jonathan chuckled slightly before smiling back at me

"You're very welcome, Y/N"

We sat there enjoying each other's company for about an hour or two. I only realised how much we'd been talking when the sun began to come up. I cleared my throat and stood up, heading for the door

"It's been great talking with you, Y/N" Jonathan told me. I turned around to face him and nodded

"It's been great talking with you too, Jonathan" I answered back. I was still curious if anyone else was awake but I doubted it. Not wanting to eat alone, I asked Jonathan a question.

"Hey, i was about to cook some breakfast. Did you, um, did you want anything?"

Jonathan didn't reply with words. Instead, he cautiously got out from bed and stood next to me.

"I'll cook with you, if you don't mind" He said as he opened the door for me. I walked out, looking up at him and smiled

"I don't mind at all"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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