Beware the B.U.L.L.Y. System Pt 1

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Someone grabbed him from behind. He tried to let out a scream, but his attacker had their hand over his mouth. His body went stiff and he started hyperventilating.

"I'm going to let you go, and you're not gonna scream, call security or 911, any of that. Got it?" the figure whispered. The scientist nodded. "Good." The figure let him go, and the scientist let out a gasp. He spun around to face his attacker: A brown plumage duck in some sort of gear. "Now, You're Gyro Gearloose, correct?"

Gyro nodded, heart pounding.

"Good. Word has it you have something I want." The duck flipped the lights back on and walked towards the middle of the lab. He began digging through stuff, making a huge mess.

Gathering his courage, Gyro shook himself. "Wait, wait. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Not even bothering to glance at him, the duck said, "Name's Fenton. You have an invention. I want it. So I'm taking it." Fenton stopped looking through things, deciding he was getting no where, and crossed his arms. "Where are you hiding it?"

Gyro tilted his head at the strange man. "Hiding what?" He took a deep breath. "I... um... would appreciate it if you didn't steal, sir."

"Oh, of course. I didn't know it would offend you. I guess I go home now and think about what I've done." Fenton shot him a dry look, his voice full of sarcasm. Fenton stepped towards Gyro and threw an arm over his shoulder. "Look, I need you're help, so I want to keep you alive. But if you're not going to cooperate, well, I can't make any promises." Gyro gulped and nervously nodded. "So, where are you keeping Project: Blatherskite?"

Gyro's eyes widened at the mention of the project. "Uh, well, that's not exactly public. And it's not done either."

"Well, then finish it. You're smart." Fenton jabbed him in the chest with his index finger before walking across the room. Gyro opened his mouth to speak, but Fenton interrupted. "Come on, we both know half the technology was stolen anyways, so don't get so defensive about it."

The chicken stopped. "H-how did you know that?"

Fenton waved the question off. "Eh, it doesn't matter."

"What exactly do you want with it anyways?" Gyro readjusted his glasses, frowning. Project: Blatherskite was potentially dangerous in dangerous hands, and Fenton's hands were most definitely dangerous hands.

"I want it because it's cool. It's looks pretty useful." Fenton smirked leaning against a desk. "Who knows when a couple of gizmos might come in handy for a bounty hunter like me."


Dewey and Launchpad entered Mark's lab to find him, Louie, and Owlson huddled around a train. Louie tugged on his brother's arm, dragging him over to the table. Dewey shot him a confused look. "Check this out," Louie whispered.

Leaning towards the track, Mark hummed at the train. It started moving at his voice at a steady pace. Dewey's eyes widened in surprise.

Mark put his hands on his hips and straightened proudly. "Sound powered train.

"Ha! It works!" Owlson yelled, a grin on her voice. The sudden loudness made the train race around the track. Dewey yelped as sparks flew. Glancing between the train and Dewey, Louie knocked his brother to the floor in defense. Shooting off the rail, the train flew through the air and lodged itself in the glacé of a nearby window.

Everyone was stiff for a moment. Owlson gave a nervous smile. That earned a glare from Mark. He sighed. "Well, it did work. Thanks Zan."

Gathering himself, Dewey pushed his brother off of him. "Thank you Louie, but I think I would've been find without getting the wind knocked out of me." Getting to his feet, Dewey dusted himself off.

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