Chapter 8

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Gilinsky POV:
As I the door closed I turned around. Where is Jack?

"Where is Jack?" I said looking around for him.

"Right here." He said tapping my shoulder. I smiled and turned around and hugged him. He giggled.

"Your laugh is so cute." I said kissing his cheek.

"Stop no it's not" he said blushing.

"Your even adorable when you blush." I said as I intertwined our hands.

"Stop its Jack" he said trying to leave. I pulled him closer. I leaned my forehead on his.

"Do you want to go to lunch?" I asked looking down at his deep blue eyes.

"Sure, where though?" He asked looking back.

"Where ever you want to go baby boy." I said smiling. He blushed again when I called him baby boy.

"How about some where like McDonald's?" He asked pulling out his phone.

"No I want to take you somewhere nice." I said lowering his phone. I am going to take him to Petrossian restaurant. It is a 5 stars and I think he will like it.

"Where are we going then?" He asked putting his phone back in his pocket.

"That is a surprise" I said grabbing his hand and leading him out the door. I stopped at the doorway.

"Would you like to come Ashely" I asked waiting.

"No thank you I don't want to be the 3rd wheel at your date." She said typing stuff on her computer.

"Ok, we will be back soon?" Jack asked looking up at me.

"No we will see you tomorrow. Don't stay here to late." I said pulling him out on the sidewalk. James was there with the car ready.

"Where to sir?" He asked. I whispered the address to him.

"Jack! Please tell me!" He pouted.

"You will see soon" I said holding his hand once again.

Skip car ride-----------------

"We are here sir" James said stopping right in front of the building.

"Thank you James, care to join us?" I asked getting out.

"I would love to but mr.Dallas is calling for me." He said looking down at his phone.

"Ok have a safe drive James."

"Will do sir" he said rolling up the window and driving away. What would I ever do without James?

"Are you ready?" I asked holding out my hand. He smiled and took it.

"As ready as I ever will be" he said as we walked into the restaurant.

"Oh mr.Gilinsky! Nice to see you again!" Nathan said as he grabbed menus.

"You too Nathan" I said while smiling.

"Your usual spot?" Nathan asked while walking towards where I usually sit.


"Here you are sir and ?" He asked referring to Jack.

"Jack Johnson" I said as we both sat down.

"Oh Jack and Jack. That really cool" he said putting down the menus.

Jack was blushing.

"Your waiter will be with you in a minute." He said walking away.

"So who where those people?" Jack asked looking through the menu.

"Um they are close friends in a way" I said putting my menu down.

"Hello I am nick. I will be your waiter today. Can I start you off with a drink?" He asked while looking Jack up and down. Who does he think he is looking at my Jack!?

"Can I have a Shirley Temple?" Johnson asked.

"Of course you can cutie." He said licking his lips. Who the fuck does he think he is!? He is mine!

"I will have water." I said through clenched teeth. Practically throwing the menu at him. Jack looked at me with a concerned face. He left glaring.

"Jack what was that for?" He asked

"Did you not see the way he was looking at you! You are mine not his!" I said loudly. Jack looked taken back.

"Sorry baby boy I didn't mean to yell I just got mad." I said looking down. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"It's ok I get it. I forgive you" he said squeezing my hand. I smiled.

"Shirley Temple for you, and water for him." He said setting down the drinks. Who does he think he is talking to me like that?

"Thank you" Johnson said sipping his drink.

"No problem. What can I get you to eat?" He asked looking at Johnson still.

"Can I have (what ever you want)" he said

"For you?" He asked not even looking at me still staring at Jack.

"Yes I will have the (what ever you want)" I said glaring at him.

"Right away" he walked away swaying his hips. Jack didn't even notice the way he is flirting with him.

"You are mine right?" I asked grabbing his hand from across the table.

"Oh course I am" he smiled.

"Can you sit next to me?" I asked scooting over and patting the spot next to me. He smiled again and got up and sat down next to me.

"Why did you want me to sit next to you?" He asked while grabbing his drink.

"Because I wanted to be with my baby boy." I said snuggling into his neck. And wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Jack! That tickles." He giggled as I blew on his neck.

"Excuse me your food." He said with a disappointed look.

"Thanks" we both said.

"Let me feed you." I said grabbing his fork. He blushed by nodded. I put some of his food on the fork and feed it to him.

I kissed his lips and tasted the food.

"Are you going to eat?" He asked

"I am" I said kissing his lips again. He giggled.

Skip eating----------------

"Come on Jack!" Jack called for me at the front desk.

"Coming" I said walking.

"I love you my baby boy" I said kissing his lips softly and slowly.

"I love you too" he said kissing back. I love my baby boy.

So this was suppose to be a smut but it wouldn't let me publish it.

I am going to try and publish it again. I made this quickly while in the waiting room of the hospital.

Tell me what you think. I might delete this chapter it's kinda just a a filler.

By the way that you so much for 1.1k reads!

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