Chapter 8 - Misled.

Start from the beginning

Realising that I really needed to move before I caught my death, I rushed to the back of my car and quickly set about pulling my bags from the boot of the car and began to transport to my house. Once inside, I was shocked to find that I couldn't actually hear the music filtering through the walls. Was one of our houses sound-proofed? I mean it would make the most sense. It would explain why I hadn't heard any noises from her home.

Dumping my shopping in the kitchen I opened my back door - gazing out to the water, now the calmness seemed almost eery in contrast to the raging storm in the sky. The clouds were angrier looking from this vantage point - angry swirls of wet slate grey clashed and swirled around each other until the entire sky looked as if it was blanketed. The sheet lightning erupted again - illuminating the area, it even bounced off the calm water below. I had never seen anything like it. And instantly the loudest rumble of thunder drowned out the sound of Shay singing next door. The storm was right above us now and I swear my windows rattled from the pitch of sound.

And then there it was again...

'Just a page in my history, just another one of those mysteries, one more lover that used to be, if you think it, think it, think it, think it, baby, just a page in my history, just another one of those mysteries, one more lover that used to be, if you think you're in my head, you've been seriously misled,'

I can't help but be curious about what prompted this little karaoke session. Had something happened in regard to Jonah?

Had he made some sort of gesture?

Did he want her back? I mean he would have to be a fucking moron not to want her back. I mean she was amazing. More amazing than I had given her credit for. Fuck me - I am in deep. Much deeper than I envisioned.

Lighting myself a cigarette, I stood in the frame of my back door and just watched the raging storm outside. We had thunderstorms in London of course, but they were nothing like this. Probably because there were no places like this in London - no spots where you could stare into the horizon and feel like you were looking right into the edge of the planet. The peaceful calm of this place was definitely addictive, and I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like to go to the real world after being here.

'After all you put me through, you think I'd despise you, but in the end I wanna thank you, 'Cause you've made me that much stronger, well I, I thought I knew you, thinkin' that you were true, guess I, I couldn't trust called your bluff time is up, 'Cause I've had enough, you were there by my side, always down for the ride, but your joy ride just came down in flames 'cause your greed sold me out in shame,'

Now, this song I knew. Again, it struck me as strange that she was listening to 'pop' music. I mean it wasn't just that I had heard her listening to heavy metal earlier, but it was just the way she dressed, the band shirts I had seen her wearing - she was clearly a rock-chick. If she were angry - I would have definitely thought that heavy metal would have fitted her mood more.

'After all of the stealing and cheating you probably think that I hold resentment for you, but uh uh, oh no, you're wrong, 'Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do, I wouldn't know, just how capable I am to pull through, so I wanna say thank you, 'Cause it...Makes me that much stronger, makes me work a little bit harder, it makes me that much wiser, so thanks for making me a fighter, made me learn a little bit faster, made my skin a little bit thicker, makes me that much smarter, so thanks for making me a fighter,'

I swear to God, she may be the worst singer I have ever heard but you couldn't deny the feeling and passion in her pitch and tone. I find myself almost enjoying it. And that is how I know that I am in trouble with this girl. I know that I need to create some sort of distance between us, yet there is a part of me that simply can't bring myself to do it. I have been next to fucking rude to her up to this point and I felt more guilty for that than I know that I should.

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