563 7 0

The reader is a female in this fic!


The war between Telmarines and Narnians was about to blow, but tonight, it all had been swept to the side. For just one night, the Narnians were given a reason to enjoy themselves, to dress fancily and dance under the stars.

It wasn't held in any castle with marble walls and floors and there weren't any chairs made of gold and silk - rather there was grass and soil as the dance floor and some fallen tree trunks to sit on. But it didn't make the ball any worse, in fact on the contrary. It felt more genuine. Not stiff nor forced, but fun and free.

So there you sat, watching at your friends dancing and clapping in the rhythm with the music, when you saw someone approaching you from the corner of your eye. And when you lifted your gaze to look at him, you were met with King Edmund smiling down at you.

"Lady Y/N, can I have this dance?" he asked, and you nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead you to the forest glade.

He kissed your hands before he placed them on his shoulders, and you slowly started swaying into the music. The moonlight made you basically glow - or at least Edmund thought so. He couldn't take his eyes off you, and he smiled gently as you started to dance. He watched you smile and laugh, and he laughed too. You were the most beautiful person he had ever seen - in his world or in Narnia. You spun around with Edmund on the dancefloor, the music filling your ears, laughs erupting from your lips and the night swallowing all your fears about the incoming war.

This ball could have been the last one where you could attend, and you took all the joy from it. And dancing with King Edmund was something you hadn't expected, but him being such a gentleman who made your lips form a smile that lasted all night, was all you needed at that moment.

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