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Set to the time when they're all adults.

The reader is a female.

Characters: Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie and Caspian.


He's quite subtle about it. He knows you wouldn't cheat on him and is usually quite amused when someone tries to flirt with you and you just brush it off and they will give up.

But every once in a while, someone gets you to blush with their flirting and Peter feels like he's transformed into Aslan at those moments.

"Does this person bother you, Y/N?" he asks as he steps in. Fortunately, they realize it quite quickly that they can't overstep boundaries as Peter is there and they flee.


She is fierce, if someone flirts with you. Because you usually say it straight away if you're not interested, but sometimes that person might continue his flirting by saying things like "don't be like that, baby, you know you want me". She steps in front of you protectively and looks the person in the eyes so fiercely, that it's a wonder if they don't pee in their pants.

"Hey, Y/N said that she's not interested. Leave her alone, or I'll call the guards."


Edmund knows you wouldn't cheat on him, but he might think that you could find someone better than him and that's why he becomes jealous if someone flirts with you. But he also sees that you're getting a bit uncomfortable as that someone keeps flirting to you and that's where he steps in.

"What's going on here?" he asks, and they glare at him, before they flee.


She's like Peter, she's really subtle about it. She knows you won't cheat on her, but if she shows her jealousy, she tells the person to walk away and leave you alone.

"Didn't you hear her? She has a girlfriend already."


If someone flirts with you, they mess with him. And if they mess with him, they're in trouble. He goes straight to them and states it very clearly. They don't have the right to touch you, if you don't want to be touched by them.

"Keep your dirty hands off her. She lets you touch her if she wants to. You can't touch her and act like she's yours, when she's not. If you don't agree on her terms, I must banish you from my Kingdom. We don't need any potential abusers here."

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