Chapter 1: Hardships Of The Survey Corps

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"Please give it back" I said reaching the book from the boy's grasp

"No way!" he said pushing me roughly to the floor

I fell down with a loud thud

"Why would he even listen to you" one of the boy's friend said 

"Nerd!!" all of them said laughing at me

"Please give that back I just borrowed it from the library" I stated 

And suddenly the boy holding the book threw it to the ground. Soiling the pages of knowledge 

I was about to pick it up

When he stepped on it

I simply cried silently

But someone put their leg in front of me making me stumble so my body is limp on the dirty floor

"People like you aren't supposed to be here in the first place" the boy said stepping on me

He kicked me making me roll on the dirty floor 

"Loser Underground Freak" they said laughing at me 

Suddenly one of the boys got hit by a stone 

He fell down on the floor clutching were he got hit by a stone 

"Leave her alone!!" a boy yelled it was a very familiar voice 

"He's right!! Pick on someone your own size!" another voice yelled entering the scene 

"What are you doing here Alex" one of the bullies yelled

"I said leave her alone or else !" the boy named Alex said 

"Or else what?" one of the bullies retorted 

"We're gonna beat you up!!" Alex said confidently if he could beat up five strong and mean bullies with a body skinny like a stick as his

"Are you an idiot" Alex's friend said he is surely not an idiot that would asked a fight with five bullies 

That is very a unwise decision

"What scared you, Henry?" Alex asked his friend confused 

"What of course not, it's just there are five of them and we're the two of us. I'm not sure you could handle one yourself " Henry reasoned out his complain 

"You Guys are just weak" one of the bullies said bumping his fist and hand together and readying himself to attack

"Were gonna beat them up!" the bullies said charging towards Henry and Alex 

"Oi what are you kids doing here?" a deep voice said entering the scene 

All of them turned around seeing a garrison soldier

When the bullies realised the soldiers presence they immediately left and ran away like scared chickens

Alex and Henry went towards me

"Faye, are you ok?" Henry asked me concern

I was at the floor covered in dirt

I nodded smiling at him

"I should have teach those bullies a lesson" Alex whined looking at the path were they left

"As if you could teach them a lesson" Henry retort at him rolling his eyes in the process

"At least I'm not a coward backing down a fight" Alex said sticking out his tongue playfully 

Henry had an irk mark on his head 

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