Part 13

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Note: Sorry for not updating so long-time....I was caught up with my personal and office works....then here we go 

Our Beenie can't remember what has happened when she is drunk. So Rosa informed that Dr.Song dropped her home yesterday. She was confused what she drunk and was sure she did not have any drinks. But she did not want to think anything about last night as her head was paining due to hangover.

Rarely she remembers what has happened yesterday,what she did yesterday... :)

Next day:

Laloo and Grandma was watching series on television,whereas Joongki was cooking dinner. A kiss scene came on TV, seeing that Laloo shouted grandma yesterday Appa and Beenie Aunty also did the same thing in rain,I saw. Joongki was shocked how his son was playing witness for an accidental kiss.Yes,it was accidental kiss for him,he made his heart believe that there is nothing with that kiss or any ties associated with it.

Grandma: Joongkiah!!!! What is Jihoon saying? Did you kiss Yeobeen?

Joongki: Oh Grandma!! why will I do that?

Grandma: Then why will Jihoon lie?

Joongki: So u will believe my son,but not me ?

Grandma: Ok leave... I will ask yeobeen myself.

Joongki: Grandma.. don't do that.Don't embarrace her.

But Grandma did not heed to Joongki's words,she called Yeobeen. Yeobeen attended the call.Grandma didn't even say hello she asked Did you kiss joongki?.... Beenie was taken back by the question,as far as he knows she didn't kiss him. She said Grandma that nothing happened between them.

Beenie: Why are asking like that Grandma?

Grandma: Jihoon as seen you both kissing.

Beenie now comes to her senses,that it must be her who would have done that due to alcohol.She was totally embarrased on what Joongki must have thought about her. Definitely he would have thought me as a pervert who has pounced on seeing an handsome man. Yeobeenahh you have messed it up all. She wants to clear the situation with joongki herself.She said Rosa what all happened yesterday.

Rosa: You feelings for him as turned into love better you have to say him either you have feelings or stay away from him hereafter. 

Beenie: But I am not sure with my feelings myself...then how can i say to him.

Rosa: You dumbass!!! you have kissed him in ur sub-conscious are physically attracted to him and then you cherish whatever he likes ,he is such a great man tho Beenie ,try ur luck once na...

Hesitatingly,Beenie picked up her phone and dialled Joongki's number. Joongki was busy with a patient so he didn't pick the call at first. Then he called her back

JK: Yeabuseyo Yeobeenshi...I was with a patient so i couldn't attend at first .

Beenie; Sorry if i had disturbed u.

Jk: ANiya...anything important.

Beenie: can we meet if you are free for sometime....if u r busy then it's ok

Jk: Will 7 PM be okay for u?

Beenie: perfect....lets meet at the cafe next to ur hospital.

Beenie came to the cafe first and she was waiting for Joongki,and its already half an hour late. She can understand that its his profession maybe he got up with some emergency thats why he didn't even called me to say he will be late. She thought it wil be too much if she calls her on his busy schedule.She took her bag and was about to leave the cafe,that time joongki entered the cafe .

Jk: Sorry Yeobeenshi....i was little struck up with an emergency....jinjaa mianye

Beenie: Its perfectly fine....i know your profession expects this....anyways i was free so no worries

Jk: So are you well? Why did you called me all of a sudden?

Beenie: To talk about what has happened yesterday. Sorry for what i did yesterday...I don't even know when i had alcohol.

Jk: It's okay yeobeenshi...if u did that because of alcohol's effect....but...but wanna confirm this that's why i am asking this with you.

Beenie: Go Ahead Dr.Song.

JK: Do you have any feelings for me?

Beenie was clueless when she heard this question from Joongki. She was stammered on what to answer. Does she want to hold back or go ahead and confess. She did not talk for next two mins and then she replied.

Beenie: Yes Dr.Song....I think i have feelings towards you...I don't know I mean I have not realized how much depth is my feelings for u...but yes i have feeling towards u.

Note: I don't think i can update any chapters this weekend ,but maybe after that i will be regular.


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