part 10

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Today is Jihoon's Birthday, yeobeen came to Joongki's home before the party starts to make Jihoon and grandma.

Jihoon was ready with coat suit with a bow in his neck looking extremely handsome than ever.

YB: omo!!! Grandma see boy is so handsome....are any girls coming to party? kid is the best

Jihoon hugged yeobeen as he got shy.By that time Joongki entered the room asking his grandmother what coat he has to wear.

Grandmother: yeobeena can you help him?

Yeobeen got flustered has she thought she should not spend alone time with Joongki.

Yeobeen: but Grandma....

Grandmother: ahh palli yeobeena...we are getting late.

Joongki and Beenie entered joongki's room.he opened his closet to show yeobeen and asked her to pick one. Yeobeen saw the shirts one by one.

Beenie: I think this white color suit and black pants will be suitable ( imagine Joongki's recent award function outfit)

Saying this, Yeobeen rushed to leave the room and she did.

Grandmother: did you help him?

Beenie: haa.... eommoni

Grandmother: then what are you going to wear?

Beenie: I am gonna wear the same dress....I didn't bring any dress

Grandmother: yahhh yeobeena....u can't wear this to party....I will bring you a dress wait.

Grandma showed her a long white frock,which was very descent to wear for a kid's birthday party

Beenie: grandma....why are you having these dress which young people wear

Grandma: actually I brought this for my daughter-in-law, before I give her this dress she passed away ...till that time I did not give this dress to anyone.

Beenie got little emotional after hearing the grandmother's words. Now she cannot reject the dress because Grandma felt her special that's why she gave her the dress.
Saying Beenie to get ready jihoon and grandma left the room.

In the living room, grandma, joongki and Laloo were waiting. Beenie opened the door and came outside. Joongki was stunned to see yeobeen totally different,it was his first time admiring a lady's beauty after his wife's death .

 Joongki was stunned to see yeobeen totally different,it was his first time admiring a lady's beauty after his wife's death

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Jihoon: Aunty, you look so beautiful today.

Followed by jihoon,grandma was admiring her beauty. That time Joongki's parents and his brother entered joongki's flat.

Joongki will call his parents only for Jihoon's Birthday only every year. Other than that they won't meet much in a year. Jihoon was not close to his grandparents but he is little close to dong Yeon,his samchon.

Dong Yeon came and hugged Jihoon and wished him happy birthday.

Laloo: what gift you brought for me?

Dong Yeon: whatever you need....

Joongki's mom interrupted their conversation asking Joongki asking why can't he let them arrange the birthday party in a 7 star hotel,instead he was taunted for arranging the party in his apartment's lawn area which is common for everyone.

It's the same thing joongki will hear every year,so he doesn't give an answer to it and asked everyone to arrive at the party.

It's a party of joongki's closed friends and jihoon's school friends. Grandma invited their apartment neighbours and few of her friends.

Jihoon did not allow Beenie to leave him alone. He tangled one of his hands with her hand and made her stand near him itself.

Dong Yeon: Hyung, who is that girl standing with Jihoon....are you dating her?

JK: shut up....she is Jihoon's friend

Dong Yeon: oh jihoon has friends in his mother's age also... strange

JK: it's none of your business.

Dong Yeon: can you give that noona's number even I will become her friend.

Joongki's gave him a dead expression and left to dong and went near Laloo.

A waiter came and asked both Beenie and Jk to taste the dishes before the party starts.

Beenie: why should I taste,you can take his dad?

Waiter: generally, both mom and dad will taste the food and say us what needs to be added.

Beenie: Aniyo!!!😥 I am not his mom.

Beenie felt to embarrassed to handle the situation infront of JK. Joongki understand as both Laloo and yeobeen are always together in the party the waiter mistook her to be the kid's mother.
JK left with waiter to taste the food.

Joongki's mom saw this scene and came near yeobeen and asked her who she was.

Yeobeen greeted her and introduced herself.

Jihoon: she is my best friend....even today she made me ready grandma.

The party started Laloo cut the cake and feed to his dad,then to great grandma and next to yeobeen.

A glass was broken and before the waiter's could clean it, Laloo mistakenly got pierced with the broken glass pieces,he started to bleed.

Yeobeen rushed to him and took Jihoon in her arms. Seeing jihoon in pain,her eyes started to tear unknowingly.She did the first aid for Jihoon. Joongki did not go near because only Jihoon will listen to his aunt only.

Even after dressing also,Laloo was terrified seeing the blood.So Beenie put him on her lap and laid his head to her chest patting him to sleep gently.

Note: Streamy scenes will come after few more chapters....plz stay tuned 😌😉🤭

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