Chapter One

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Laughter filled the room as you and that man shared a conversation.

The two of you were young, yet you still knew that he was to be a terrible person.

There was no sugar coating it, he was horrible.

But he wasn't a monster. At least you thought.

The day you told Doflamingo you had to leave, was the day you felt fear for the first time.

He threw a fit, screaming at you, that grin immediately wiped off his face as he threw his chair aside.

You cried for him to stop, to think before he acts, but he just laughed, and came at you.

He said he didn't want you to leave him like his brother.

It was his damn fault anyway. Why was he so "betrayed?" It was something you couldn't comprehend at the time.

You look back on it now, and trace the scar running along your face, trailing to your neck.

You teared up, but wiped them almost immediately. Those 10 years weren't for nothing.

Gripping your cheek, you sighed.

"Doflamingo...I'm back on the grid." The confidence slightly faltered in your voice.

You knew he was already coming for you the day you sunk those ships.

<Meanwhile with Doffy>

He sat at his desk, gripping the newspaper.

A grin slowly made itself present as he read your name.

"So, She finally decides to make herself known." He hums.

"Fufufufu~ This should be interesting, My little bird." He set the newspaper aside, and made a few calls regarding you.

Vergo entered the room, and placed his arms behind his back, "an errand?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. "Oh I see."

"Yes, the little bird needs to come home, we all miss her." Doflamingo stated.

Vergo nodded, "she made the best dumplings." He said, and began walking out.

"Also, send Diamante, she's quite feisty." He laughed.

Vergo only nodded, and kept walking, disappearing soon after.

<Back to You>

You tried not to cry as you were being dragged by Zoro, who wasn't having it with your baby-ish attitude today.

"Listen, you're one of the strongest people here, why don't you act like it?" He growled, and lightly kicked your side.

"Because, I have way more worries than you think, I don't want you guys to be caught up in my bullshit!" You exclaimed, and grabbed Zoro by the shoulders, shaking him intensely.

"Yet you guys still want me to join!"

"Of course we do!" Luffy laughed, "You're strong."

Brook, Nami, Sanji, Franky, Chopper, Robin, Ussop, and Zoro nod in agreement.

"Join my crew." Luffy stated.

"No, I wont." You crossed your arms.

"Do you people not realize who im associated with?!" You exclaimed, then caught luffy's fist, making sure you were coated in armament haki.

"We do! But you're defiantly strong enough to be worth it!" Franky posed, and the rest nodded in agreement.

You sighed, "and the only reason you want me is because I'm strong." You rolled your eyes, and turned around, starting to walk out of the harbor.

You had more important things to do, you had to train. You knew he was coming for you.

Suddenly, Chopper hugged your legs, "no! Not at all! You're so funny and- we really need someone to keep us from going insane!" He exclaimed.

"Well... I don't think it'd be a good idea, I'm sorry." You murmured, and rubbed your arms.

"I'm sorry, but I have to decline your offer." You gently moved chopper away, and continued walking.

This time, Nami grabbed your hand.

"Y/n, you know as well as I do that luffy is going to stop at nothing to get you to join, so please, just join the crew, we all want you here!" She exclaimed.

"I really can't, I would endanger all of you." You pulled away, and before you took a step, zoro had the back of your collar.

"If you seriously think I'll let someone as strong as you walk away, you'd be terribly wrong." He threatened, "and, it would make our captain upset."

A shadow casted over your eyes, and you lightly kicked zoro away.

"I said no, I'm doing this for your own good." You said, and finally got away from them.

You shook your head, and looked back at them, they just stared, and seeing Zoro's shocked face, you broke, and started running back.

"Okay fine! But don't fucking cry when you get caught up in my bullshit!" You yelled, and tackled Zoro, who caught you, and glared.

"You're heavy." Nami immediately smacked zoro on the head. His head went forward into your chest, and you glared at Nami.

Sanji kicked zoro away and caught you, accusing zoro of being a perverted swordsman, and you just sighed, pinching your nose as sanji carried you.

You really were in for some bullshit.

<Timeskip, Night>

You trudged along the thousand sunny, running into franky who was awake.

Franky looked down at you, and tilted his head, "what's up with you?" He asked, and sat in the grass with you.

You looked at him, with solemn eyes.

"I just don't want any of you guys to get hurt, Franky-frank." You covered your mouth at the nickname, and turned away with a red face.

Franky covered his face with a hand, flustered over the cute ass nickname, and laughed.

"Its okay, [Stupid Nickname]."

You looked at him, and began to laugh, shaking your head.

He pulled you to his side, and ruffled your hair as the two of you sat.

"Well, what were you thinking about again?"

"How I don't want you guys to get hurt because of my mistakes in life." You said, and he laughed.

"We all joined this crew, and had mistakes that caught up with us eventually." He said, and gave you a thumbs up.

"Whatever you went through with that flamingo shit- totally doesn't matter to us. We'll save you no matter how long it could take us."

"Even years?" You asked.

"Even years." Franky replied, and pulled you up on him. You used his shirt as a blanket, and sighed softly, your head on his chest.

"Well, I guess you're in for some shit."

Franky nodded, "yeah, we all kinda knew what we're signing up for." He chuckled.

"Okay...thanks Franky-Frank."

"No Problem, [Stupid Nickname]."

[1034 Words, good start, starting slow, my last story was too fast paced.]

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