Untitled Part 7

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Ghost Hunt:Volume 6 Chapter 6ContentsChapter 6 - God Approaching[]1[]

After that, along with low voices chanting sutras outside the room, the sounds of banging and the scratching of something continued until dawn. When it finally quieted down and I looked outside from a gap in the curtains, the sky had become faintly bright.

"Well, shall we work a little more?"

I was surprised upon hearing Bou-san's voice.

"Why don't you sleep more?"

I know, in the end, without removing the barrier, Bou-san served as a barricade and mostly didn't sleep. He was finally about to doze off just now.

"I can't do that. I have to hurry."

"Why? Won't it also be okay after it becomes daytime?"

"I wish I could wait, but I can't. It isn't necessarily safe because it's daytime, and if we don't settle it quickly, there's no telling what will happen. If we're attacked again tonight like we were last night, it's unlikely I can handle them again in this condition."


"Lin-san, you stay here. I'm going to remove the barrier since it weakens my energy."


"Well then, shall we go?"

"But, where are you going?"

When I asked, Bou-san laughed.

"The 'Sanroku mounds', of course. You heard the voices chanting sutras, right?"


John nodded at Bou-san's voice.

"And the three were using the spirits gathered around here as enslaved spirits."

"It's not only the gathered spirits. It's also probably the five from the riot who were beheaded and the princess and her lover from the legend. All the spirits of the people who died roughly around this area, I think they're all being enslaved as shiki."

"That's a staggering amount."

Bou-san shrugged his shoulders as if fed up.

"Sort of."

"You should sleep."

It was Ayako who firmly said that all of a sudden.

"Then, are you saying we leave it to John alone? John is tired, too!"

"I'll do it."

Bou-san sighed.

"I hate to say it, but it's impossible for you."

"Look, I can do it!"

"Say that after you've been more useful."

Actually, that's true. But, there was something she said last night. There being conditions or something...

"There were circumstances up till now. I can do it this time. Leave it to me and both you and John go to bed. You're unsteady on your feet."

"Do you think I'll say, 'Yes, very well,' and go to sleep?"

John stopped Bou-san, who was going to say something further.

"Why don't we accept Matsuzaki-san's kind offer and leave it to her?"

"John, wait a sec."

John looked at Ayako and smiled.

"However, I do not know what will happen, so may I go along as a measure of precaution? I'll just watch since I'm very tired."

Ghost Hunt vol #6Where stories live. Discover now