Untitled Part 1

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Ghost Hunt:Volume 6 ProloguePrologue[]

"Now then..."

She lowered her voice to speak confidentially. The woman, who was wearing a navy blue outfit, leaned forward, causing the sofa to creak. 'Now then,' she repeated once again,

"Please report the contents of the investigation."

"Yes. —Full name: Shibuya Kazuya. Occupation: Head of 'Shibuya Psychic Research'. According to the information found through the best efforts of this investigator, his birthday is September 19th. Currently, he is seventeen years old."

"You don't need to say 'best efforts' and so forth. Please report only the facts, investigator. —If he's seventeen, then he must be a student?"

"He doesn't seem to go to school."

The woman crossed her legs. After briefly looking up to the ceiling in thought, she said,

"Virgo, huh? Virgo is the worst personality."

For some reason, she decisively declared that.

"It is, isn't it? According to my observations, his blood type seems to be either A or O type."

"Seems like it, right?"

When the woman nodded, the man, who had been silently listening to the conversation, cut in.

"I heard A. But, that's sort of... unrelated, isn't it?"

The woman glared at the man.

"Observers do not speak. —Investigator, please continue."

"Yes. His address is unknown and his home phone number is also unknown."

"Complete secrecy, huh? Family?"

"It's unknown. But, it seems there's no doubt he has parents, right? His father is a university professor."


"That's also unknown. However, since he doesn't know a lot of detail about Tokyo's geography, he doesn't seem to have been born and raised in Tokyo."

"I see... How is the financial health of the office?"

"I don't exactly know, but... I don't think it's profitable. There isn't a large amount of work, and the request fee also isn't a large sum."

"In spite of there not being work, there's a lot of staff. An assistant and... two part-timers. What the heck, where does that much money come from?"

"I don't know. It's strange, right? So to speak... isn't it that, 'There is where there is.'"

The man, who had been listening to the conversation in indifference, lightly laughed. The woman glared at the man a second time. After that, she leaned forward once more.

"The amount of work isn't a lot, right? Well then, what does he do on a daily basis?"

"He reads books, looks at maps, etc. He's gone traveling at present."

"Ah. He's traveling now, huh? Where did he go?"

"If I remember correctly, Tōhoku."

"He didn't go for...hot springs, did he?"

"What? Absolutely not."

"What else? What about the assistant? Did you find out his real name?"

"Lin Koujo seems to be his real name. He's originally from Hong Kong. Other than that, his profile is unknown. His address is also unknown, but Shibuya Kazuya seems to live within a distance where you can hear if you knock on the wall."

Ghost Hunt vol #6Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz