14- Million Dollar Babies

Start from the beginning

"Um, I am not swapping sweat with an oversized jalapeño," Heather complained, crossing her arms.

"You're taking it for the team. Now get your skinny behind out there and push that dummy!" Leshawna barked out.

"What'd I say about the dummy thing?!"

"You can do this one without me," Heather replied, not seeing like she was going to give up any time soon.

"Gotta side with Leshawna on this one. You're doing it," Duncan spoke up. I nodded.

"It's not fair if you get to watch from the sidelines," I added on. "We're a team."

//Leshawna's Confessional

"Side with Leshawna'?" [gasps] "Are they finally coming around? That'd be like rolling up Christmas, Kwanzaa, Easter, Canada Day, and BOGO day at the shoe store all into one! Sweet, sweet forgiveness!" //

After a little bit more of convincing, my team was soon on the field, grunting as we tried to push Chef to the other side.

I never knew how much Chef weighed, but I should've expected it wasn't going to be as light as a feather with his muscular structure.

"That all you got?! I can push better than that on my day off!" Chef jeered, trying to get underneath our skin.

Leshawna growled, sending my team flying to the ground.

"Don't you talk smack to me!" Leshawna spat loudly as she pushed Chef to the floor, also. "Sorry, dummy. Guess I came to play hardball."

"Nice job, Leshawna!" I congratulated, pulling the teen in for a sweaty hug. Smiling, we watched Chef struggle to free himself from the dummy.


After the Grips tried to move Chef on the football sled, and both teams went through tires with mouse traps at the bottom, we were now making our way through a military obstacle course.

It was a lot like the one at Camp Wawanakwa—bad memories that night, except we weren't getting timed this time around, and it was through mud— luckily not astroturf which burns your skin. So it wasn't terrible, really.

The only thing that was starting to suck was my arms began to itch along with my throat. At least the mud helped cool my arms down, though.

"What is with this barbed wire?" I muttered, army crawling underneath it.

"I have never seen our school football team doing this!" Courtney cried out as the rest of the teens panted all around me.

"You're right. But we had some mud and barbed wire left over from the war movie and it just seemed fun to me," Chris responded to Courtney. "Is it?" We groaned.

I eventually got to the end of obstacle course where Chris called it quits for us. We sighed in relief, heading back onto the field covered in mud.

"That truly bit," Duncan muttered, crossing his arms.

"Tell me more about it," I sniffed as I scratched my own arms where little bumps began to appear.

"Are you breaking out?" He asked as I sniffled again. With a straight face, I stared at him, causing him to quickly apologize.

I'm just hoping my eyes don't swell. I do not want to be another Courtney on the first day of camp. No thank you.

"Who won anyway?" Courtney asked, examining the short-winded teens.

"Let's see. Uh..." Chris pulled out a clipboard, reading off of it. "Three carry the five...Nobody!"

"Huh?" What does he mean nobody?

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