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16 | Carey.


A word I've been called for the past three years. A word that hurts more than a bullet.

No matter how many times it gets shot at me, it still stings the same.

I suppose I should probably be used to it by now. Maybe I'm just sensitive or maybe it really hurts that much for everyone.

It seems no matter if I tell the truth or I really do lie, I'm still considered a liar either way.

It's sad when you lose trust because it can never be regained to the amount it was before you broke it. It doesn't matter how hard you try. You'll always be less than before. If you're anything like me, you quit trying while you're ahead. It's best to save your breath for something better. It doesn't matter how hard I ever try to convince anyone, it never works and the same name gets spat at me once again.


. . .

"Dehlila Carey all you ever do is lie!" My mother whisper shouts at me as I sit on the medical table, my face neutral but my body burns with anger.

I choose not to respond as I know she'll just keep talking regardless. There's always something to pick on about me.

"Now you're telling them that I abuse you?!" She growls from the small chair she sits in. "You have nothing to say to me? Nothing at all? Not a 'I'm sorry mom for lying' or maybe a 'I'm sorry I told the doctors that'?"

I try so hard not to snap at her. I'm here because of her. She provoked me. She pushed all of the right buttons to make me mad and now she's thrown me back here. Back again in the hospital like I'm a crazy person.

"Come on Lila, get mad." She taunted. "I know you have it in you. Come on! Get mad!"

So I got mad. She was all up in my face saying this shit and I'd had enough. I ripped the biggest knife out of the knife block and got up in her face, standing up to her for once.

"If you take one more fucking step closer, I will slit your throat right here." I spat in her face with the shining knife in my hand.

I saw a sly smirk creep across her face. "I guess you really must've missed all of your crazy friends in the hospital! Let's go give them a visit huh?" Her smirk turns into an innocent smile.

"Fuck you! I'm not going anywhere!" I screamed as I began to walk up the stairs, ready to barricade myself in my room. I barely made it up five steps before she harshly grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs and out the door to the car.

I thrashed and screamed, trying my hardest to get out of her iron grasp. Trying to cause some sort of ruckus that the neighbors would come outside for. But it didn't work.

"Dehlila!" My mom snaps. Causing me to look over at her blankly. "When the doctor comes back in I want you to tell him the truth!"

I don't say anything as I shift my gaze away from her.

The wooden door opens and the doctor comes back through. He begins asking my mom all sorts of questions in which she blames me for every answer. I eventually tune out, not quite caring what she says about me. Because obviously I deserve to be here.

"So Dehlila... Your story is very different from your mothers." The doctor says.

"She hit me. And in self defense I pointed the knife at her." I repeat the same thing I had told him before. "I was terrified that she would do it again." I place on a fake scared face as I look at the doctor, trying to really sell him on it.

"Dehlila you're such a goddamn lying little brat!" Mom shouts.

. . .

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