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Nash- He loves it when... you run your hand through his hair. When he's nervous he does it himself, but when you do it it soothes him even more. Whenever he puts his head in your laps you find your fingers running through his soft fluffy hair, and when you kiss you get your fingers tangled in it. He barely let's his hair stylist touch his hair, let alone anybody else, but he has an exception for you and only you.

Cameron- He loves it when... you're really hyper. You're up for anything on those days, and he loves his girl to be spontaneous. You both usually go ride rollercoasters, skydiving or even swim with dolphins. You are even wilder than him sometimes, and he loves to see you let loose and have fun.

Taylor- He loves it when... you cry. He doesn't like it because you're hurting and you're upset, but he likes it so he can be really sweet to you. He tries to make it seem like he's a tough guy and shows a little affection toward you because he doesn't want to be called "whipped". When you cry he has an excuse to cuddle with you and take care of you, not letting you lift a finger. Deep down Taylor honestly loves being all lovey dovey with you, making him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Jack Johnson- He loves it when... you're really focused on something. He finds it cute when you stick your tongue out slightly, squinting at whatever you may be working on. Your determination to finish your goals is overly attractive in his book, but when you're too focused on something and start ignoring him, he gets upset.

Jack Gilinsky- He loves it when... You play sports. He likes your passion and competitiveness for the game you're playing, and how you're usually the team's leader to winning. He also loves when your hair is tied up, out of your face, and you have little to no makeup on. He thinks you're more beautiful with a makeup-free face. He can watch you play any sport, but his favorite is volleyball ;)

Aaron- He loves it when... You cuddle with him. Aaron is a very affectionate person, and feeling your warmth radiate from your body to his relaxes him. He could have the most stress in the world, but as soon as you are in his arms, all his worries wash away. He always finds himself pulling you back down when you try to get up from a cuddle session, and he loves the feeling when you sigh and relax back into his touch.

Matt- He loves it when... You smile. He thinks it's the most beautiful thing in the world, especially when he causes it. Whenever you look in the mirror and think you're not good enough, he's always wrapping his arms around your waist and whispering in your ear that you're perfect and he couldn't find anyone else that he'd rather be with. When your lips turned up into a smile, he knows he's done his job of being the best boyfriend he could be.

Carter- He loves it when... You try to wear his snapbacks. His hat falls over your eyes from your head being too small. You make him laugh when you try to act cool with it on, even know you both know you're the biggest dork ever
Shawn- He loves it when... You try to sing. You're not exactly the best singer, even though everyone would think that because you're dating Shawn Mendes. Shawn just chuckles when you dance around the house belting to Ed Sheeran, but Shawn would never dare to tell you how you really sounded. He loves you for all your imperfections, that's what makes you cute to him.

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