First Day in Gotham.

Start from the beginning

I dont want to be alone actually. I'm going to go find Timmy. I found him typing away on the bat computer. He has coffee. I want the coffee. Alright so all I have to do is grab the coffee, except he is as protective of his coffee as I am of mine. So he will probably grab his coffee before I can take it and spin his chair around, Or just roll away. I wont be able to reach the coffee if I went behind him.

I'll take him by surprise by jumping on to his lap, then I'll grab the coffee and take off running. It is perfect. I ran at him, he turned towards me hearing the pounding of my feet. Poor boy looks confused. I turned around last second and sat down on his lap. Definitely taking him by surprise. The chair spun back towards the computer. "Whatcha working on?" I asked innocently while taking his coffee. "Um a case against lila." I let out a hum and nodded my head. I swiveled the chair again and took off running with his coffee.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I guess this is karma but . . .





I turned around a look of the utter most horror on my face. "I just wanted some coffee." I spoke voice cracking, it took all I had in that moment to not cry. Tim wrapped an arm around my sholders and started to lead me somewhere.

He led me up to the kitchen so I could have some coffee. That almost made me cry again, I'm still not used to people being nice to me. There was still hot coffee in the pot. I jumped on Tim wrapping my arms around his waist. I mumbled out "Thankyou." I felt him let out a chuckle. I couldn't help it I cried.

His arms wrapped around me. "It is Alright Blue, let it all out." So I did. I cried again. For I dont even know how long, eventually though I noticed more arms around me. Dick and Jason had joined the hug at some point to help comfort me. I felt washed out again but better. Sometimes it feels like you are the grad canion. You cry to fill yourself up, so you can feel again. So you can float on the surface. Then the water drains, it flows down the river out of you. In the end all it did was make the hole in your chest bigger. At some point it wasnt even a cannon anymore, it just became a dark abyss.

I can be me. I dont have to fake it for thease people. Nor do I want to. I cried some more. It shouldn't be possible for me to cry this much, yet here we are. My sobs finally receded, my tears slowing to a stop. I whiped my face off. They slowly released me, I went to get some coffee. Dick told me to atleast drink one glass of water before my coffee. I agreed because crying that much will definitely dehydrate a person.

Tomorrow, well actually today is to be spent adjusting to the time zone while the school uses today for any last minute preparation. They should enjoy this Monday, the Monday before Lila joins the school for the two months. For whom ever thought Gotham couldn't get worse, thought wrong because Lila is much worse.

I downed the glass of water that was handed to me. "Mar are you sure you need more caffeine? It is like four in the morning. You should probably sleep." Jason questioned my decision. "I wish I could Jay, but the nightmares. I cant stand the nightmares." Jason just hugged me tight.

"Fine I'll attempt to sleep, but you have to watch a movie with me till I fall asleep." I heard him snort. "To the living room!" He said as if he were a hero in a movie. This family and dramatically saying which room we are heading to. I find it hilarious, I feel like they picked it up from Jason. He does it the best.

Dick ran out of the kitchen infront of us. "Dick, we are not watching another Disney movie!" Jason yelled. Dick never stopped running. Good thing I like Disney movies. We entered just in time to see Dick hit play on Moana. Moana is a pretty calming movie. We all got comfy for the movie, me being the one who needs sleep. I had my head on Jason's lap and my feet in Dick's lap. That way the boys could sit on the couch and they made sure I was laying down.

Tim joined us as she started singing the first song. He sat on the floor right infront of me. I slid my hand into his black locks. His hair was soft, I guess he didn't mind me playing with his hair.The last thing I remember is the song you're welcome.

. . . Tim's POV . . .

Blue has been hurt. I wish I could help her more but the mind is something you have to figure out on your own. I entered the livingroom with my laptop, I just like being near her. I could have sat on one of the arm chairs, instead I went for the floor. I wanted to sit right next to her. Honestly I wanted her head in my lap. Jason is lucky today I guess. If i was scared though i would want to be next to Jason too. He is a great big brother.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Blueberry's hand running into my hair. Her hand threading through my hair was calming, I shut my eyes. "Use a bird to write and it is called tweeting." That was the last thing I heard.

2488 words. (Dont worry I'll edit this chapter later.)

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