Chapter 14: Insufferable bastard

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An insufferable ass. That's what he is. An insufferable bastard. I can't believe that I... ugh.

It still hurt to think about all the wasted food. Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Niffy is looking at the door way of the little square kitchen. She's shaking her head.

"Harry, Severus is..."

"Don't defend him Niffy. He has no reason at all to act like that. I didn't do anything to him." She exhales slowly.

"I'm afraid Harry, that he believes he does have a reason. I'm afraid that it isn't something that I can openly discuss though. Severus is complicated." She pats my arm. "Never you mind him. Niffy will begin cooking breakfast. Please go and busy yourself. Niffy will retrieve you when it is done." I'm about to leave when she tentatively grasps my shirt sleeve. "Please. Mind your temper. Severus means well."

I'm not surprised that she is taking up for him. She is nothing if not loyal. It doesn't so much bother me that she's taking up for him as the fact that she needs to. He's been actually nice lately, and now he's suddenly...

No. I'm not going to take this. I can't handle his back and forth. One day he's alright, and the next he's..... this.

He's sitting in the library reading the same book he's been reading.

"Take it back." My tone comes out clearly. Determined but with no heat. He doesn't look up. "You had no right to talk to me like that. Take it back." He only turns a page. "There was no reason to waste the food, and there was no reason to talk to me like that. I did nothing to you. Take it back."

"Potter. Go away. You are making yourself a nuisance."

"Tell me what I did!" He continues to read. He looks exhausted. Under his eyes are dark shadows.

"Sevey sleepy." Wendy says yawning. She comes into the room and crawls into the sour man's lap. "Sevey no sleep. Wen Wen sleepy too. Sevey no sleep, wen wen no sleep." She whines. He lays his hand on top of her head. She seems to lean into the touch.

"Niffy, will you lay Wendy down for a nap." Niffy pops in and immediately leaves with the young elf in her arms. "Potter, we will not be having occlumency lessons today. Practice on your own today." He momentarily lays the book down and looks at me straight on. "I do not want to see you again for the remainder of the day."

"I'm not moving." I can feel my anger bubbling. "You've been mostly human since I started living here. You've even been nice. And suddenly you are back to acting like a git. I'm not moving until you tell me why you are suddenly so angry with me." He stands in front of me. I fight down the memory of the dream from the night before. That thought has no place in this conversation.

He towers over me. His features are held firm like steel. He won't budge. I know he won't.


"You had called me by my given name a few times. Why am I back to Potter now?" I don't mean to sound upset, but I can't help it. I'm more surprised about how he actively flinches at my tone. "I thought we were actually to the point where we could talk to each other respectfully. I've tried to respect your boundaries. I know I haven't done perfect, but I've tried." I watch his hand lay over his left forearm.

"I am being summoned." He walks past me as if I weren't blocking him. I'm angry with him. But I still don't want him to be hurt or killed or found out.

"Will you be okay as exhausted as you are." I haven't turned to look at him, but I hear his footsteps stop.

"You do not have to worry about me Potter." Actually, I do. But I don't argue with him.

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