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Juliana's POV

I was right all along and I hated I was right, Harry Clearwater had just been pronounced dead from a heart attack. Bella left town with a leech according to Jacob and Leah and Seth had both phased. My dragon has never been more active, pacing in my head. Begging to come out, her natural form she was dying for.

"Embry and Jared are training Seth and Leah." Paul whispered wrapping his arm around my waist. We were all at the Clearwater house, including the other elders and my Dad. Imprints holding onto their imprintees nobody knew what to say. My Dad held Sue as she sobbed, grieving for her husband. He believed in me my first day here, the first one to speak up and say I was okay to have around.

"He believed in me, the first one when I came." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me tight. I buried my face in his neck and he put his own in my hair. I wrapped my own arms around his waist, I needed him.

"I know Princess, it'll be okay one day." He whispered. He was hurting too, everyone was full of grief and sadness. This was a lost affecting everyone, I felt a comfort I was surrounded by family and loved ones.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"Not exactly but we'll be okay, I have you and the pack to lean on." He whispered. I nodded and he kissed my hair softly and I felt a stray tear slide down my cheek. It landed on his bare chest and I knew he felt it, he pulled me tighter to him.

"Thank you." I whispered kissing his neck softly.

"I'm here and I know you are for me." He whispered.

I nodded and he held me tight even when Leah and Seth came back in. Seth went running to Sue in tears while Leah took her grief upstairs. To heal on her own and hold on to her dignity and not cry in front of everyone.

"Why don't we go? Give them some space." Paul whispered. I nodded and we said our goodbyes, I handed Seth my number and address for if he ever needed me. He gave me a teary grin before hugging me tight in gratitude.

"Your not alone Seth, you hear me? We're all here for you and your sister, you come find me if you need me." I said holding the young boy.

"Thank you." Sue said softly. I smiled and grabbed her also, hugging her.

"Your so strong, let me know if any of you need anything. Especially Seth with school, I can help with that." I offered.

"I'll give you a call." Sue said smiling softly.

"You take care of her alright Seth? I believe in you." I told Seth.

"I will." He whispered holding onto Sue. I ruffled his hair before going over to my Dad, he sighed softly.

"At least one of my girls stayed." He mumbled bitterly.

"Always, I have a family here. I have everything I could possibly ever want right in this house." I said softly. He nodded and pulled away, Paul wrapped his arm around my waist. Dad knew Paul and I were together, he really liked Paul.

"Hey Paul." He said softly.

"Hey Charlie, I'm going to take her home. We need a little bit of time together right now." Paul replied.

"Okay, that's fine." Dad said. He knew Paul and I weren't sexually active so he trusted Paul and I alone together.

"Come on Princess." Paul cooed in my ear. I nodded and he led me out of the house, we climbed in my jeep. He held my hand as he drove, we had nothing to say yet.

"Besides the obvious are you okay?" I asked as we got into the garage. We slipped our shoes off and he sighed leaning against the wall.

"I'm just tired and trying to grieve." Paul admitted.

"Why don't we go lay down? Just relax for a while." I asked.

"I need to change first, take a shower." He said. I nodded and he kissed my forehead before getting a pair of shorts and disappearing into the bathroom. I went upstairs and threw my hair up in a bun, I changed into his shirt and short pajama shorts.

"Feel better?" I asked as he came back upstairs. His hair damp pushed back off his face his shorts hung loosely on his hips.

"A little bit." He said. We climbed into bed and he spooned me keeping an iron grip around my waist. I didn't mind much, I found it comforting.

I heard a soft sniffle and I turned around in his arms, tears falling off his cheeks. I brushed them away and kissed his nose softly. I let him cry out his grief knowing how good he would feel in the morning.

"It won't hurt as bad in the morning." I whispered kissing his lips softly.

"It hurts now." He whispered.

"I'm here, you can lean on me I can take it." I soothed caressing his cheek. He needed me and I was here for him, I wiped his tears away and kissed his face every so often.

"I know." He whispered. I laid on my back and pulled his head onto my shoulder. He needed to be held, I had one hand on his face and the other rubbing his back.

"I'm here." I cooed. He nodded and he cried himself to sleep, I stayed awake. I wanted to be awake in case he needed me during the night. He was worth every minute of his peaceful slumber. The constant steady rise and fall of his chest, the grip change around my waist making sure I was there. I was and would remain that way until I died.

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