Parting Ways

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I wake up dreading Nat and everyone leaving later today. I get ready as slowly as possible, trying to slow down the time till they leave. But I really can't slow down the inevitable. I am now fully dressed, and I walk to Nat's room.

She's still asleep. I climb into bed next to her, and I lay next to her for a while until she wakes up. It only takes a second for her to notice me. "Good morning, Hads!" says Nat. "Good morning, Nat!" I say. "Were you here all night, or did you just come in?" asks Nat. "I just came in like 30 minutes ago," I say. Nat gets up, and I leave so she can get ready. After a few minutes, she opens her door, and I come back in. She has her suitcase lying in the middle of the floor open. She walks around the room, grabbing what she needs and packing those items. She finishes and zips up her suitcase. I walk over to it and sit on it so she can't move it. "Do you really have to go?" I ask sadly. "Yeah. I do," says Nat sadly. "But I'll miss you too much," I say. "I'll miss you too much, too," says Nat. I stand up and hug her. "If your gonna miss me too much, then why don't you just stay? Why can't it be the other way around where you live here and just go back to the US to check in once in a while?" I say. "I wish it were that easy," says Nat. "Didn't you say that you are about to have to go on the run from the government again? You can lay low here! The government doesn't know that we exist," I say. "Hadley, I know you don't want me to leave. I get it. I feel the same way. But, I have responsibilities back in the US," says Nat. She still has me in her arms. I look up at her, and she has a few tears rolling down her cheeks, and I do too. We stop hugging, and Nat grabs the handle of her suitcase. We walk out of her room, and she brings her suitcase downstairs, and she leaves it by the front door.

We walk back upstairs to wake Yelena and Wanda up. Once we're in their room, I climb onto the bed in the middle of the two sleeping girls. I think they noticed the weight change because they both wake up a few minutes later. They get up, and Nat and I leave so they can get dressed.

We're standing in the hallway waiting for them to change. I really don't want Nat to leave. I hardly ever see her. We wait for a little while, then Yelena opens her door. We walk into Yelena's room. Wanda has her suitcase out, and she is putting her things into it. She finishes shortly and levitates her suitcase downstairs with her powers.

We follow her downstairs, and we find that Clint, Tony, Steve, and Sam have all of their stuff by the front door. We help them put their stuff on the Quinjet, and we go back inside. We eat breakfast, and the Avengers do a lap around the house, making sure that they have all of their stuff. They do, and it's time to say our goodbyes. "It was great meeting all of you!" I say. "It was nice meeting you guys too," says Steve. "I had a great time!" says Wanda. "Hadley, you should come to my house one day and meet my kids! I think you'd get along great with them!" says Clint. "It was nice meeting you, mini Romanoff. You too, Belova," says Tony. "Nice meeting you all. Hadley, great job beating Steve the other day!" says Sam. We hug and high five then the Avengers, except for Nat, walk out to the Quinjet to give our family a few minutes. On the bright side, Yelena and I got Wanda's number so we can contact her.

We say goodbye as a family in the house in front of the front door. I cry as I hug Nat. I'm really gonna miss her. Nat has tears in her eyes as she hugs me. Then she hugs Yelena, and they both break down crying. Nat dries her eyes and hugs Melina and then Alexi. She hugs Yelena and me one more time and cries again. The three of us are wreaks. Tears are streaming down all of our cheeks. We dry our eyes, and Yelena and I hold Nat's hands as we walk out.

Nat walks up to the Quinjet door, and the three of us do our special sister whistle. We all wave as Nat walks onto the jet, and the door starts to close. I am crying into Yelena's side as the Quinjet flies away. The Quinjet is now out of sight, and Yelena has her arm around me as we walk inside.

I go straight to my room and close the door behind me. I stare at a picture of Nat and me for a little while. Then I play a few videos of the two of us on my phone and watch those on repeat for a while. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say, half hoping that it's Nat and she forgot something, or she couldn't leave. Yelena walks into my room and sits down next to me on my bed. She puts her hand on my shoulder and says "Hads, I'm here for you no matter what. I'm never leaving." "Thanks Yelena," I say. I lean my head on Yelena's shoulder and she rubs circles on my back. She knows how hard it is for me when Nat leaves. "I know something that might make you laugh," says Yelena. She gets up off of my bed and she gets down on the floor and does Nat's fighting pose. "You know this thing that she does with the arm and the hair," says Yelena. A few months ago, Yelena and I were making fun of Nat for her pose. Yelena is whipping her pony tail up and down. I get on the floor and do it with her. I stand up again and film us doing it on my phone. "Send that to me later!" says Yelena. "Roger that!" I say.

Yelena and I spend the rest of the day making fun memories together.

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