Karna's silence in return made Bhanumai gasp lightly with a glint in her eyes and demanded, " How?? From when?? Say Bhrata!! "

Casting his gaze down Karna said, " The feelings are not mutual Bhanu!! You know the situation of our marriage!! "

Bhanumati who already knows the hidden truth of the love of the yadava girl from her husband felt guilt questioning her loyalty to her friend?? She looked away from his hurt gleaming hazel orbs. But what surprised her most was his next words,

" I thought Nakul was the one she loved....But Bhanuuu...It's not him...."

Bhanumati decided to be the good friend by helping him, so she said, " I know the one she loves.... it's..."

But she got stopped by Karna's panick filled voice, " No...I....I don't want to know!! I won't be able to bear it!! But how you know of him?? "

Ignoring the question asks back in a defeated tone, " Why you don't want to know him?? "

" It's her past, Now she is my wife and I....I love her!! Nothing else matters!! "

Bhanumatii advised, " She should be the first one to know of your feelings for her...."

He whispered himself, " I will...both of us need some time and I will be confessing only when she could accept me!! "

" Now tell me what I can do for you to become happy?? "

Without a second thought he blurted out, " I just wanna see her, am getting suffocated here in her thoughts!! I want to go to Anga!! "

Bhanumati's eyes were comically wide and she let out her astonishment, " Oh Narayan!! Who is this person here infront of me.... If it is my brother then what that girl done to you!! "

Karna chuckled in embarrassment and said, " Bhanuu.... My feelings are not something newfound!! I have always liked her from the beginning!! She were in my mind from the first day we met here!! "

No words came out from Bhanumati's mouth at the new information and one another shocked voice resonated from the dark corner of his chamber, " What?? You fell for her even before marriage?? "

A silhouette moved to the moon shore making Karna exclaim, " Why are you eavesdropping us?? "

Bhanumati was the one who replied with a sheepish smile, " Actually Aarya is here from the start and you were too much into your story of Yadava princess to notice him!! "

Karna's eyes bulged out thinking that was something first for him to lose his senses, that girl is changing him. Also the couple purposely tricked him, maybe he wouldn't have let these secrets out if he knew of Duryodhan's presence. Bhanumati is an expert to dig into the bottom of his heart.

Duryodhan says disappointed, " Don't change the topic... Why you let me and Dushasan think of courting her if you loved her from the begin?? For whose sake you remain silent when we planned to take revenge on her?? "

Karna heaved out a sigh and said, " Because it's you against me!! For me no one is more important than you mitr!!! "

Duryodhan groaned out an order, " Why you are so stupid?? You can leave if you want to!! "

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